Holy crap
Holy crap
If you feel comfortable doing so, you could ask for insight into why your application wasn’t considered. You can try to phrase it around making it a learning moment for you: Can you explain to me why my application wasn’t considered so that I can be better prepared the next time an opportunity arises? The person being asked the question will be less likely to see it was an attack and more of a humble question from a person who values their insight.
AOC backed an idea to build homes and the ln hand over ownership to tenant cooperatives or non-profit orgs. Seemed like a decent idea on the surface.
Mortgage rates coming down is not the answer. It’ll only drive up demand while supply stays the same. There is a major need for more supply. People will reply with the number of vacant units, but vacancy is a broad measure that ignores things like a house currently being sold and going through the closing process.
The country, as a whole, needs something like 6.5 million more housing units to meet demand at which point prices would come down.
It’s unfortunately not going to happen without government (local or federal) intervention.
This Freakonomics episode focuses more on rentals but the basic concepts are the same:
I thought you need $401k to retire.
Fuuuuck it’s addictive. Love that I get it with Apple Arcade.
It’s amazing how bad that is.
I mean I’m sure your situation sucks, but I can’t believe this could be even mildly infuriating. Should they have a space screen saver? Should they have images that remind people how fucked they might be? It’s cheesy shit, sure, but sheesh.
The lack of coverage of teeth and eyes in standard health insurance is because of dentists and optometrists opting out when insurance was becoming a thing.
It would have only cost $22.40 if you picked it up yourself.
I’m assuming it’s with regards to the Play Test which is in very early stages and shouldn’t be judged as completed. Seems fair enough if it’s nowhere near complete
So I’m assuming they’re going to release a brand new 10th anniversary edition for $70
This came up in convo with a co-worker recently. I had completely forgotten about it until he mentioned it and then, suddenly, a flood of memories came rushing back.
I play on Xbox from time to time (2 kids and a dog don’t exactly afford me a ton of free time), but these balance adjustments seem interesting. New support character seems more intriguing than Lifeweaver did at launch.
Where are you? PS5 controllers are like $70 in the US. That’s not totally absurd.
It seems like you want to be with her because she’s here right now and you’d rather have someone than no one. You wouldn’t be hesitating otherwise. You effectively told her that, too.
If you don’t think you can commit and she’s looking for that, you should let her go.