Note I did not buy any food for myself.
To head off questions:
No, I couldn’t cook for her. I’m suffering from a long-term illness where I can’t eat solid foods and am extremely smell sensitive. My wife is at a funeral, so I had to order food.
She’s extremely picky and refused to let me order anything but pizza.
We live outside of town, in a not very big town, with very few pizza delivery options, and they’re all at least this expensive.
No, I didn’t also have to buy her the cheesy bread or the second topping or the sauces, but it’s nice to get my daughter a treat and that is no excuse for the order being that expensive.
We’re in Indiana, so this should be ludicrous in terms of pricing. This used to be the pricing I would expect when we lived in L.A. and ordered from a good local place rather than a chain.
Edit: Turns out what I should have been infuriated about is people repeatedly telling me to get takeout and having to repeatedly explain why that wasn’t an option, having people not believe I’m sick, and being repeatedly berated for not magically knowing food coupons exist on the internet when I never order food on the internet. Oh right, and also being a bad parent for not forcing food my daughter doesn’t like down her throat or starving her if she won’t eat it.
By the way, I have another thing to be infuriated about. A huge storm came in and this happened to our trees. I assume I will start being berated for not cutting them down before that happened, but because I have no power or internet at home and have to go to the library to post, your further posts telling me what an idiot I am and how I’m an awful parent and how I’m not really sick will take me a while to read. Sorry to ruin your day. Maybe you’ll find someone else to treat like shit.
Anyway, have fun telling me I’m the worst person on Lemmy, just don’t expect a quick reply.
Oh, and do tell me how stupid I am for not knowing that people who clear up and fix such damage have coupons on their website.
What’s mildly infuriating here is OP… People are trying to explain how you could have saved almost 1/3 of your purchase price and you just argue with them and keep shouting from your soapbox.
Unfortunately, price shopping is a part of every transaction if you are trying to get the best deal. If you aren’t invested enough to read the largest banner on the shop website to save almost 1/3 of your total, then getting the best price was clearly not a concern when you ordered. Yes, you are expected to do that yourself, just like buying anything else in the commerce system we have been using for decades. It’s real boomer/privileged energy expecting that to just be done for you.
I hear you, but OP already said he didn’t use the internet to make the purchase. Honestly, even as a millennial I order out so infrequently that I probably wouldn’t use their site either. Yes, the economic system that has created this reality is the main issue, but that doesn’t mean it’s incorrect to be frustrated at Dominos.
he DID use the internet. He used their website, and still ignored all their deals.
Because I wasn’t trying to get the best deal, I just wanted some damn pizza and, as I have already said, why can’t Domino’s just charge that price? Why is a coupon needed? Please explain to me why that should be necessary rather than Domino’s just charging the lower price, since they obviously can afford to?
It’s real boomer/privileged energy expecting that to just be done for you.
I never asked anyone to do it for me. So I didn’t expect anything.
Is it privileged to have people do it for you when you never asked them to?
Because I wasn’t trying to get the best deal
then why are you mad that you didn’t get the best deal?
I feel like people have to be purposefully missing the point to make comments like this.
You used to be able to just order pizza and it be a reasonable price. If you have to do research and build out a coupon spreadsheet just to get a responsible price, that’s a problem.
This post is a good mildly infuriating post. The pizza does cost too much.
However, it also seems like the poster wasn’t ready for discussion when posting to a discussion board.
Exactly, thanks god. Is mildly infuriating read comments with people reasoning the late stage capitalism practice with basically “git gud” mentality
Idk in the days where you had to call in you still had to ask if they had deals… Otherwise you’re paying menu price (unless the cashier was feeling extra nice)
Sure, I think deals and coupons were always a thing, but there were actually deals. I can’t speak for everyone, but I feel like these “deals” now just take an inflated price and make it reasonable. They’re not a deal so much anymore, just a way to make things somewhat reasonably priced.
I just paid $2.67usd after tax for a large pepperoni Domino’s pizza. That’s a deal.
And not the norm
EXACTLY. This isn’t new or news.
You are expecting dominos to do it for you. That’s literally what you are asking. They aren’t going to do that for you because they make more money if you ignore the “deals”. Even a tiny barrier is going to keep out some number of people that don’t find value in spending 30 seconds to save 25% on a $30 tab because they have the money to not even notice, which increases profitability. Their line goes up. Our system forces all these companies to worry about that line going up.
That said, they aren’t trying to hide it from you, it is the largest thing on their store page, and their people on the phone will happily tell you about it.
Someone else made the same analogy, it is just like going to a drive through and ordering a burger, fries, and drink separately and not asking for a combo. Same products, but most places it will cost you more to order them separately than to order the combo.
If you are still mad about it, you aren’t mad at Dominos, you are mad at the core of our current economic system.
Yes, greedy companies charge more and are making it harder to get things at a responsible price, that’s the mildly infuriating bit.
You’re using Domino’s wrong. You have to use the 2+ two topping medium pizza coupon for $6.99 each. They have it plastered on the website and the app.
I felt bad reading this. Fast food is way too expensive here in 2024. And then you had to write an essay justifying yourself because of all the pedantic jerks who love to pounce on the smallest of things.
And someone already didn’t apparently read it since they told me I should have picked it up myself.
LOL! Of course!
You seem to think you mentioned that not being an option, but you didn’t mention anything about that.
I didn’t think it was necessary to mention that I can’t drive it home in my car what with the “extremely smell sensitive” part.
A pizza inside a car tends to have an odor in my experience. As does all other hot food. It’s generally one of the reasons people like hot food.
“Extremely smell sensitive” just tells me you have a keen sense of smell. Sorry bro, just saying not everyone can read your mind.
TBH that’s a logic fail on your part.
In bullet point (1) we have two important statements
Statement A: “I can’t make the food”
Followed immediately by the explanation…
Statement B: “I am dealing with an illness that makes me unable to eat solid foods and extremely sensitive to smells”
The only way Statements A and B can be related is via the smell. Being unable to EAT solid foods wouldn’t prevent OP from MAKING the food. The only possible explanation is that the sensitivity to smell is what makes them unable.
That’s, like, really basic reading comprehension skills. 🤷
Maybe you’re making an assumption. Maybe he just doesn’t know how to cook?
If that were the case then the other statements within bullet 1 are completely irrelevant, and the relevant information has been omitted. That would be a far greater assumption than taking the statements at face value and connecting the information we have into coherent logic
Maybe you can’t/won’t read an entire prompt before ejaculating your emotional retort?
You’re retro-justifying your mistake, dude; when ‘sorry’ is just faster.
It’s like when you’ve lost the argument and you’re still piping up with “and another thing”.
Exactly like that, actually.
Have you never smelled your car after picking up food? Hell I rarely drive but I’ve done short trips where all I’m doing is picking up food and having it in my car 20 minutes max; even the next evening the smell lingers in my car.
In fact my wife had to put carbon-based air fresheners in her car because she’d reheat steamed vegetable then eat them in the car during her lunches at work.
How is this hard to figure out?
I know all about his Mayo Clinic saga and his rare condition. It’s important for someone like him to be clear about what’s going on, or accept the fact that people are going to suggest things that he can’t do. If he’s not absolutely clear about it, people aren’t going to automatically assume “oh yeah, he must have that rare condition where smelling food makes him feel sick because he said he can’t cook and has sensitive smell. It’s obvious to me after reading that that there’s no way he can go pick up a pizza and not pay $8.60 for delivery.”
Most people in this thread, myself included, already know about his thing, but if someone doesn’t know about it ahead of time, I’m just trying to make the point that hey, this needs to be spelled out. If it’s not spelled out, then don’t get defensive when someone responds with an otherwise reasonable comment.
You’re lucky squiddy here isn’t a mod on this sub or you’d probably already be banned for “trolling” lol
I guess so. Honestly, though, if you have a rare condition and don’t want people suggesting things that you can’t do, it helps to be clear in your communication.
If you go to a restaurant and tell the server “I can’t cook and I’m smell sensitive”, they’re going to say “Ok, you’ve come to the right place”. Instead, tell them “Unfortunately, if I catch a whiff of food I’ll feel sick.” Then the restaurant can see if there’s anything they can do for you.
I just think most people, if they weren’t already aware of his Mayo Clinic saga and his rare condition, wouldn’t guess “oh this guy must have that thing where smelling food makes him feel sick” based on what he wrote. Something that rare and, let’s be honest, strange, needs to be stated clearly if he really wants people to know about it.
I mentioned the fact that he paid $8+ for someone to deliver food, and his response rubbed me as overly defensive – “Some people just don’t bother reading the original list of 5 items, comprehending each one before commenting on my precious post.”
The dude mentioned a medical disability, stated he couldn’t eat solid food or cook and you assume he can drive and then criticize him for delivery? He didn’t spell out that he couldn’t drive but it was pretty obvious if you read the post… Say sorry and move on buddy. You’re in the wrong and look like an incel loser when you continue to double down.
I see this guy around all over the place and he’s always getting into slap fights with people over the dumbest shit lol
The thing about inflation is the food is not expensive, its the value of money that’s gone down. Its salaries that are way too low to afford the new prices. The food isn’t too expensive - employees are being underpaid.
It can be both at the same time which is why the problem is so exacerbated right now.
IMHO all that matters is the difference between the two.
people love acting like they’re perfect and always make perfect decisions in these posts. like, you can easily advise the OP and sympathize but people love to be smug instead
Why would you need to defend yourself for ordering a pizza and being shocked by the high price? Sometimes I think I’ve gotten too old for the internet. People should be allowed to order a pizza every once in a while and not have to formulate a 5 point list of the reasons why it’s okay for them to order pizza.
Have you seen the responses here? Paints a picture on why they felt the need to defend themselves.
Well he didn’t just get takeout for some reason /s
Why would I care what the internet loser has to say about my life? Why should that impact my behavior in any way?
I am also highly irritated by the way this post was formulated. It feels like, having the need to post personal information to justify ordering a pizza so he can ramble about the price.
How can a grown ass man be so insecure about himself. Like what’s the problem with saying fuck I ordered a pizza and damn those fuckers got expensive? Where are we heading, that a grown adult needs to intro everyone with a letter long disclaimer, to justify he bought a pizza.
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How do you feel about negotiating the price of a new car down?
Personally, I think it’s really cool that people without social skills are charged more. It’s like “take that! ya fuckin loser.”
Nice false equivalence. This isn’t even about negotiating, it’s about looking at the website you’re ordering from and actively trying to save money. Domino’s doesn’t hide their deals, they put them under the tab labeled “deals”. If you don’t have the reading comprehension to find those deals, you may need someone else to order for you.
Exactly! I’m always complaining about the illiterate. I like to write them letters because I know it makes them sad.
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Always gotta find a way to pwn those libs, even when the topic is ordering pizza, jfc, have a personality
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Sure, I’m a bootlicking slut, you really got me. You sound like you weren’t hugged enough so you inject politics into everything, so you have a reason to insult people. You’re in a cult my guy. Like I said, have a personality beyond “libs bad”, it’s pathetic.
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A whole bunch of people have come in to tell me why I should have done things that I already said I wouldn’t be able to do based on those five points, so I suppose you could argue that it wasn’t worth giving them, although I have a feeling even more people would have said “just get takeout” or whatever. Someone even now is telling me to get takeout just put the pizza in a Ziplock.
Pizza is takeout… If they mean picking it up instead of delivery, well yes, you should have.
Again- I am extremely smell sensitive.
I go into the pizza place, I heave.
I carry the pizza to the car, I heave.
I drive with the pizza in the car, I have to keep pulling over to heave.
Why do any of you find that reasonable? Would you want to do that just to give someone a pizza?
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Wow! You also figured out my huge con to tell everybody I’m sick when I’m not. And as a consolation prize for figuring it out second, you get to have an entire paste of what I said to the first guy about how it’s all a big con. Congratulations on both of you for being Sherlock Holmes.
I guess I made up all the posts I made about it in Casual Conversation you’re free to look up, including all the ones I posted while I was at the Mayo Clinic.
It’s been a long con going on since December of 2022.
After all, nothing on the internet is true.
Here you go, here’s a link where I made up being at the Mayo Clinic:
Here’s a link on another forum where I completely made up having my gall bladder removed and how that didn’t work:
I’m happy to show you other examples of me completely making this up.
Edit: sorry, you don’t get to see my medical records, but I can probably arrange a video chat with one of my doctors if you’d like. Of course, that will probably just a fake doctor that I’m completely making up.
Edit 2: Check out my amazing Photoshop skills!
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Just ignore the trolls, they have meaningless little lives and nothing better to do than try and make a random person online feel like shit so the trolls can feel like their existence matters in any significant way. Which sucks, as they could probably better focus that time constructively, but instead…this.
Thank you.
Did you consider getting takeout?
I did not! Thank you for the suggestion!
That’s a go order!
Take 'em out!
Never order dominos without coupons. It’s exponentially more expensive than anything you can get with a coupon.
Dominos largest profit margins are on orders exactly like this. It’s often more economical to order more food at a cheaper price.
I just looked on the coupons page on their website. None of the coupons would have applied.
You’re never going to find exactly what you want, but the 5.99 deal for a medium 2 topping also applies to the cheesy bread you ordered, bringing the total down significantly.
Dude could have saved like $6+tax and gotten more food, and is still arguing that nothing could have been done…
Lead a horse to water and all that…
I’m not seeing such a deal.
It looks like it’s now the 6.99 deal
It’s been 6 or 7 years since I worked for dominoes
That pick any 2 for $6.99 each deal would have saved you a bundle.
So would picking it up.
Again- I am extremely smell sensitive.
I go into the pizza place, I heave.
I carry the pizza to the car, I heave.
I drive with the pizza in the car, I have to keep pulling over to heave.
Why do any of you find that reasonable? Would you want to do that just to give someone a pizza?
Yes, I know. The answer is “downvote this comment” rather than accept the fact that it is something I cannot do because of my illness (which I am apparently completely making up).
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Yep. It’s definitely all a lie. You and the others figured it out. But this is another chance to show off my amazing Photoshop skills.
I Photoshop that to pretend I spent all my birthday money on a medical bill. Isn’t that awesome?
You tipped 20%? If that’s the case they’re calculating the tip on the taxes and delivery charge as well
Dominos is outrageously expensive if you don’t shop the deals.
When I was in college, I’d get dominos with my roommates when they had the 20$ special, which would be about 30$ after tip and delivery. The special had 2 medium pizzas, garlic knots, cinnamon twists, and soda.
After I moved back home, I learned my local dominos doesn’t always have that deal. I’d get something similar to what you got and I’d be upset that I got less food for a bit more…
Now what really pisses me off is the high end neopolitan place near me is cheaper on their dinner special days, where you can get 2 personal pizzas that taste so good I’d accept it as proof that god is real for about 25$ including tips and gas money.
Kinda shitty that Dominos has it set up so that tip is calculated on top of the delivery and service fees. Tipping on the value of food, I understand. Tipping on the cost of those other fees is double dipping and bad faith in my opinion.
Seriously, “y’all charged me a service fee to deliver my food? Cool! Let me tip you for that!”
Having done time in the service industry, I have no problem tipping where it’s warranted, but you’re tipping the Dominos corporation for their fuckery at that point, not the driver
That’s like 50% of all tip calculations nowadays. It’s really obnoxious and feels like it’s trying to make you feel guilty for tipping an appropriate amount, but taxes and service charges aren’t part of the service.
Dominoes has their own cars tho so the delivery fee is in theory for car wear
Maybe this is a regional thing, but every pizza place that I’m aware of which delivers requires the delivery driver to use their personal vehicle… and does not reimburse for wear and tear.
Why does your dominoes deliver by car? Seems like an incredibly expensive and environmentally unsound way of delivering pizza? Here they just use bikes like basically every other delivery place.
Are you in the US? I’ve literally never seen a delivery driver on a bike, except for that action movie about bike couriers in NYC.
No, I’m in the Netherlands. Why deliver by car when a bike is faster and cheaper?
Because it isn’t faster and cheaper in the majority of the US. The nearest Pizza place to me is about 2 miles, the nearest that actually delivers? About 4 miles. And I’m within the city limits of one of the top 20 largest cities in the US. Our population densities are on a completely different scale than the Netherlands. Not saying we have good city designs, but as it is, a bike would a terrible way to deliver food to me.
4 miles (approx. 6km?) would be 3mins per km -> 18mins by bike
Where is the problem?
In my city in Austria like 90% of the deliveries are done by bike/e-bike
There is even a platform/app where it’s guaranteed to be delivered by bike.How long do you thing does it take to bike a few kilometres?
Yeah, maybe your infrastructure isn’t bike friendly, but that’s a problem that can be solved.
I just don’t get the mentally of “well, it is that way and everything else can’t apply here”
Edit: being stoned and somehow missed finishing my first sentence
And here, it can be as little a 6 minutes by car, assuming good light timing, and a max of 15 minutes, assuming terrible timing and unusual traffic.
You’re saying that 6.5 kilometers by car would be faster than by bike in a city? In a car you’d be stuck in slow moving traffic or waiting for a traffic light like 80% of the time.
6.5km by bike would be like 20 minutes max, depending on city and time of day it would be 30-60 minutes by car.
That is correct, the median speed, as a rough guess, from the pizza place near my house, to my house, would be 35mph, including the 2 stoplights in the way. Assuming we had proper bike infrastructure(which we don’t); you’d be hard pressed to top the speed a car can go, and you would still have to stop frequently at lights, just like a car. And remember, that is the nearest place, not the only. And a small sub note, this area is not flat, at all. The gradient changes are brutal for bikes and they can’t sustain a decent constant speed. Well, at least before electric bikes.
I am not defending, in any way, America’s horrible car centric infrastructure. It is what we have though, and as a result, bike deliveries aren’t an option for the vast majority of America. Of course, when you leave the city, it gets worse.
Our cities aren’t densely built up, except for New York. The actual urban area of most cities generally has far fewer people than the suburban metroplex surrounding it. 6.5km is literally larger than all of downtown Dallas, depending on how you define downtown.
Even our cities are designed for car travel, so unless it’s rush hour you’re still faster by car. Unless there’s a concert or other event happening, it doesn’t take nearly 20 minutes to traverse downtown Dallas in a car.
Bike is not faster for a 20 mile delivery range
Who the fuck orders food 32 kilometers away? Who the fuck even delivers at that distance? You’d pay more for gas than for the food. Never mind that your food would be cold when it arrives.
I live in a small city in a rural area and I have like 150+ delivery restaurants within 5 kilometers. It wouldn’t even cross my mind to order from a restaurant in the next city over (not that they would accept it), let alone one 40 minutes away.
Something else you seem to be missing is often, a lot Americans live off highways. 20 miles may only take 20 minutes of drive time. When I lived in slightly more rural area, most driving took almost exactly minute per mile. Our entire country is designed around vehicles moving at high speed. My city is wrapped in a 60 mile interstate. An unbroken loop around the city who’s speed limit is 70mph. Outside of rush hour, you can take it all the way around at 80mph without ever braking in the slightest, unless there is a slow moving car camping the passing lane.
The US. Our dominos served a 15-20 mile radius in my medium sized suburban town growing up.
Pizza delivery has electronically heated insulated containers for the drivers to keep the pizza in during the drive. Generally I think they group up orders so one delivery driver will hit up maybe 10-20 deliveries in that one run. It’s normally not driving 20 miles just to deliver one pizza.
I wish we could ride bikes but here in the US there is absolutely no infrastructure for it. The closest Domino’s to me is 3 miles away. Riding a bike there would be extremely scary.
Even if you take Google’s specified bike route through the neighborhoods you still have to go out onto the main roads at some point. First main road speed limit is 30mph where people routinely go 40-45. Second main road is 35mph where people also go 40-45. And the final stretch of “stroad” speed limit is 45mph where people go 55-60mph.
Here you can use Google streetview and follow the route as if you were biking and see it yourself. (Don’t worry, I’m not doxxing myself)
I’m shocked not just at the lack of proper infrastructure but also at how badly maintained and decrepit everything looks. If you showed me these pictures and told me this was somewhere in a former soviet state in eastern Europe I would have believed you.
You can take a look around my nearest Domino’s. This one is the closest to my place (not doxing myself either here). There is no dedicated cycling infrastructure here as this is in a 30 kilometer zone near a shopping center and a school (max speed ~ 18mph) so there’s lots of speedbumps the road is fairly narrow to encourage driving at low speed. If you move out of the 30 km/h zone you’ll see cycling infrastructure appear. It’s also a few hundred meters from the F35 bicycle highway.
Wow everything looks so well maintained! Guess that’s the difference when you look at taxes as doing your part for the good of everyone vs the “gubment stealin ur hard earnd cash” sentiment we have around here. Also it looks like things are just plain closer together too.
There are some nicer places a little bit southeast of where I live but they’re even further apart because the houses are bigger, the lots they are on are bigger and that makes the neighborhood larger which makes getting anywhere pretty much require a car. Not like I could afford living over there anyway haha
If you want to get a fair price at Dominos, you have to play their game. At least look through the website for special offers on pizza, because the “menu prices” are 2.5x higher than the average price a person pays. After that, if you still want a lower price, search the Internet for coupons (although that doesn’t work as well nowadays since they use account-locked rewards systems instead of coupons).
Even if you play the game, it will still be more expensive than you remember, due to massive inflation.
I don’t go to Dominos any more due to repeated bad customer service, their website malfunctioning in a lot of ways, and the last time I visited the store it smelled strongly like ammonia.
Wow. That’s some bullshit, but I’ll remember that if I have to do this again.
I replicated the order using their coupons. It saved $2, almost $3. But it’s for a medium pizza.
That’s definitely better, but still significantly more expensive than it was 5 years ago. Do websites have coupons you can just use before you order? I didn’t bother to look. I didn’t even know that was a thing.
Large one-topping pizzas are only $7.99 if you order on the Domino’s website with their coupon, which is usually located on the home page. Make sure you click “see all coupons” if prompted, because they bury some of them.
I once had a problem picking up an order I’d made online that never went through. They tried to resubmit the order themselves in-store so they could make the pizza on the spot, but the total was almost twice as much without the online coupons. I had to place my online order in the store since they couldn’t access those deals themselves.
Bonus, though, is that you can get the extra large “Brooklyn style” for only $10 (instead of $15+ regular price) by up-sizing that $7.99 large pizza for $2 more when you check out.
Source: am kinda poor in a rural area where Domino’s is about the best you can get, and buying in bulk is the cheapest way to go.
Speaking of buying in bulk, Dominos pasta is pretty good and filling and refrigerates/reheats much better than the pizza. If you’re ever doing dominos, add a pasta on for tomorrow’s lunch.
Yeah, as a person who’s ordered dominoes more than I like you have to start a coupon before you order and it makes it significantly cheaper (specifically the $7 per item coupon previously mentioned).
Also, I highly recommend switching the pizza crust from hand tossed to pan. It’s always been a free change when I’ve done it and the pizza always comes out significantly better. If you’re optimizing it’s also more calories/dollar.
This place doesn’t offer pan. Just regular and thin crust.
Their “deal” pizza went from $5.99 in ~2010 to $6.99 and now $7.99. I do not remember when the changes happened exactly, but I do remember back around 2010 ordering the pizza at that price when our friend group would get together to watch Doctor Who.
The $6.99 to $7.99 increase happened in the last yearish (I checked an order email from May 2023 and it was $6.99). I only get delivery when I am at work and my wife is unable to bring dinner, but I know the delivery fee has been increasing too.
ETA: went and looked back further at order emails, in June 2022 it was $5.99. My earliest order email is from 2012, and they were $5.99 then as well. So at least 10 years at $5.99.
Edit2: the $7.99 is because of the extra toppings. Medium pizzas are still $6.99 with coupon. I was up way past my bedtime last night, thus the mistake.
Tangent, but please stop using ETA. That acronym is already taken by something important, and saving one character over “edit” doesn’t help anything.
Usually, there’s a coupon that lets you get a medium 1 topping pizza and a stuffed cheese bread (+1 free dip), for $7 each item. That said, I absolutely recommend making your own pizza dough if you have the time for it. Way better tasting pizza.
I wouldn’t even be able to get near pizza dough. I can imagine the smell in my head right now and that’s enough of the thought of a food smell to disgust me.
Honest question, not a real suggestion, would the smell get through one of those double filter strap face masks for painting? I just don’t know about your situation.
I haven’t tried it, but I also don’t really want to take the chance.
Yeah Domino’s is one of those places that the price with a coupon, is the regular price. And the food’s not terribly worth it even then IMO.
That’s crazy… I can get more than 3 times as much food from Domino’s in a HCOL area for less money just by paying attention to the online deals and picking it up instead of delivery.
Sending hugs my airborne cephalopod.
Yea, pizza places have gotten out of hand in recent years.
Adding a delivery fee (which doesn’t go to the driver) from locations that only do delivery.
How about fuck you and your delivery fee. Which is why I refuse to have pizza delivered any more. Plus they invariably get lost, though we’re a few hundred yards from their store.
Little Seizures sells the same pizza for half the price, or less, than Papa John’s, before those fees are tacked on.
Little Seizures is my second favorite pizza place after Delicious Aneurysm.
Stroke hut is underrated
I’m kind of the opposite. The only places that tend to have their own delivery drivers now are pizza joints.
I cannot stand DoorDash, the delivery always sucks but I really don’t blame the drivers. The restaurants that say “we deliver” but then offload that shit to DoorDash, take 50% of the tip piss me off the most. And now the food is nasty because some dude in his car is working up a sweat trying to deliver 16,000 other orders at the same time.
The only LC here is inside a gas station, but I used to love their crazy bread years ago.
I’ve always been too much of a cheapskate curmudgeon to pay for food delivery and I’ve been increasingly baffled by people who pay hundreds of dollars a month to have cold, soggy fast food delivered at an eye watering premium.
I get laziness, I really do. For me, personally, going to pick up food is the lazy option.
Completely agree here. If I do order delivery and it’s a third party delivering I always tip a fortune because I know otherwise they won’t care — and yet it still comes back nasty and cold.
The driver still gets an hourly wage, so they still need to pay them for delivering. I don’t understand how you expect delivery to be the same price as pick up.
Now compare in-house and delivery. What’s a delivery guy but a waiter who won’t come back and refill my root beer? Worst waiter ever.
they get paid like $2/hr when actually out on a delivery, it’s pathetic and is absolutely no reason to justify the fee
The people who order delivery must be subsidized by the pick up customers now?
Because if you pay those wages from the price of the pizza, then everyone is paying for deliveries even if they don’t get pizza delivered.
Notice nobody said the charge is too much, they immediately didn’t want to pay anything
Notice you said something factually wrong, got called out on it, and pivoted to a different argument.
What? It costs money for the delivery. That’s a fact
They don’t get paid minimum wage.
They do, except they have a $5.12 tip allowance
If they don’t make $7.25 an hour the employer must pay the difference
Never buy chain pizza at menu price. They all run specials all the time, that are around half off. They keep menu prices high so that they can constantly run buy one get one promos and specials to make you think you’re getting a deal. They also happen to gouge people who won’t bother checking the deals section
And similarly don’t order fast food without using the app for promos and deals.
I will let myself bleed out in a Safeway parking lot before installing McDonald’s stupid fucking app to get a 1.99 boiling hot coffee to cauterize the wound with.
? Why lol just use Google/apple pay
Nah that trash isn’t touching my phone unless I’m homeless and starving
Skill issue.
Check the deals tab on the website, you could have gotten a medium and cheesy bread for at least $10 less that what you paid for this.
Don’t blame the restaurant when you won’t even try to save money.
Learning to “life-hack” a web site for deals (especially when in a crisis) shouldn’t be a prerequisite for purchasing food at a reasonable price. The onus should not be on the consumer to not get ripped off by the seller.
This is just a continuation of systemic failure of business running rampant on the web without any reasonable regulation to prevent it.
This isn’t like, basic necessities food. This fast food.
The cost is the manpower and prep involved in being able to deliver food, fast.
The deals are there to make you check the rest of the website and be acquainted with their products, in exchange you get a price reduction.
There is no ripping off, you’re just not doing an additional bit of trading. If you don’t want food at the price Domino’s offers nobody says you must purchase from them.
Reading the top bar of a website is not a “life hack” it should be common sense. Generally the “deals” tab is right next to the “menu” tab.
Pizza places don’t hide their deals, they want you to use them and if you call the restaurant and aren’t a jerk the person on the phone they will likely apply a deal that fits your order and saves you a ton.
Sorry, why is it my fault to know that they offered discounts? Why should they offer them in the first place? Why not just charge that amount if they can afford to? Is it because you have to enter extra information for those coupons to work for them to harvest your data?
In my experience, damn near every pizza place has had combo deals and coupons and stuff. And no, I never had to give any extra information or data or app install or whatever that I wouldn’t have had to give for the order anyway. Just say “yeah, add that special to the cart”
Kinda like if you order a cheeseburger, fries, and drink instead of a #1 combo.
That’s true, I have generally gotten my pizza elsewhere (not that I’m an anti-chain purist snob, but there are several options and Domino’s is my least-favorite). If Domino’s is particularly egregious, why was that your choice? Surely you knew that and a coupon wasn’t the only way they could do it?
- We live outside of town, in a not very big town, with very few pizza delivery options, and they’re all at least this expensive
I read the first bullet point and immediately had a prophetic, future-sight vision of the comments before even scrolling down. I’m so sorry, man, haha.
Yes. They don’t hide their deals. They put them all in a convenient tab labeled “deals”
Ignoring your rhetoricals
No you don’t need to enter more info you just need to look at the website you’re ordering from.
You can ignore the fact that Domino’s is taking advantage of people for not knowing things all you like. They still are.
By the way, as I showed others, the closest coupon would only get me a medium pizza, which would be a waste of food since it wouldn’t get eaten. But that also seems to be irrelevant somehow… that I have to get exactly the order that Domino’s wants me to get or they charge me a whole lot more.
People really seem to think Domino’s should charge whatever they want as long as the person is below a certain level of intelligence.
Well duh, welcome to capitalism learn to live with or overthrow it. Corps will try to take your money any way they can it’s your own responsibility to not let them.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
Yes, again, I understand that you and others think that people of low intelligence deserve to be charged a premium for it by corporations. You’ve already made that clear.
People with intellectual disabilities deserve punishment.
Are you on the Olympic track and field team? Because that was a leap worthy of a gold medal in long jump.
Dominoes has no responsibility to save you money regardless of whether or not you’ve actually got disabilities, you’re broke, or (what I suspect is true in this instance) you’re just a quixotic dumbass.
Capitalism doesn’t care about you. Work to overthrow it of you don’t like it.
Ah, corporations can do whatever they want and that’s okay because we live in a capitalist society. What a wonderful attitude.
I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect every person to go through the deals tab. Hell, that’s why it exists rather than just lowering the prices.
I just looked at the coupons tab and none of them apply to what I ordered.
The choose 2 for 6.99 seems like it’d work for a you. A medium pizza and cheesy bread for 14 bucks.
You gotta get creative when buying from these chain pizza places. There’s reasonable deals to be found, but they don’t make it easy.
I’m not seeing where it says a medium pizza. It also doesn’t say how many toppings, but I’m guessing one.
On top of that, it’s a waste of food to get a medium pizza for one person.
You gotta do a little poking around. It’s a medium 2 topping pizza. Stuffed cheesy bread is also on there. Just have to click in the link to find that out.
Well then I definitely wouldn’t have ordered it. I am not going to waste food to save money.
Pizza is like the one food everyone agrees is good leftovers lmao. Even cold. You ok, my guy?
Not my daughter.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pizza place sell small pizzas for a decent value. They price them to not sell. I’m guessing because they aren’t as predictable for the amount of volume you might need.
It wouldn’t have been cheaper to go for bigger (ignoring deals), but it wouldn’t have been much more and you’d have leftover pizza for lunch the next day.