Nice ones.
Nice ones.
Jokes on them. I randomly select extra or less boxes than are correct. Yes, it takes me more time but I’m doing my little part to stymy Skynet.
I was reading your wall of text chomping at the bit to complain about IRQs and dip switches but you covered even that!
Oh wait, you didn’t include having a math coprocessor daughter boards! I barely remember them but remember my dad building computers with them.
I kinda wish I was a teen when the first computer kits were coming out. And phone phreaking.
You’re using Domino’s wrong. You have to use the 2+ two topping medium pizza coupon for $6.99 each. They have it plastered on the website and the app.
I was thinking time of the year. Is it hot or cold. But then I thought, which one is for which?
A pint of BnJs is about $8 at a convenience store near me. You might be able to get it for $5-6 at Walmart. I was just joking about how expensive it is and writing the name like Blow Job. Was just being silly.
Who’s going to sell you a spoonful of BJs?
Oh, you!
Dangerous: https://rule34.paheal.net/post/list/Linux/1
Train surgeon here, you made the noises correctly.
It sounds like fisk in my head.
It sounds like fisk in my head.
We’ll make that “Rule 34 for Linux”. I’ll have it posted to the Internet soon.
Libertarian convention intensifies
It’s fake
The last few months have especially been bad.
I love when I search for a movie: New Life (2024) it’ll give me IMDB results. I hate IMDB so I change my search to: New Life (2024) TMDB Google will give me the TMDB result as the first result and IMDB as the second result but it also has the did you mean “New Life (2024) IMDB” as an alternative search option. Makes me wonder if Amazon (which owns IMDB) is paying Google to push IMDB. Makes me feel like Google is trying to gaslight me.
Good to know. Thanks 👍
Finally, the answer. Thanks.