Chaotic good but smaller monitor is on the left, only because I had one shitty monitor I got on sale right out of high school and eventually bought a much nicer but slightly smaller one later.
Chaotic good but smaller monitor is on the left, only because I had one shitty monitor I got on sale right out of high school and eventually bought a much nicer but slightly smaller one later.
I got the whole bundle with all the DLCs so I am excited to get into it. I’m not very far in, only a couple hours but I am enjoying the hell out of it. Almost been late to work because I keep staying up too late playing it lol
Witcher 3
Never played a Witcher before and I knew I’d like it so I picked it up in the steam sale and man, I was right. I love it so much.
I collect planes that just sit around and look cool and I can say I have them. I’d never sell them because I love planes and they make me happy, some of them are toys from when I was a kid and I don’t play with them anymore but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna get rid of them, they bring me great joy. I’d look at it that way if I were you
Saving Private Ryan
“Earn it.”
What a movie.
So true lol