Have you been spending hours trying to pass a level? Or maybe you are completely addicted to a newly bought game. Do you have a question about a game or would like to share something else? In the Weekly Discussion Thread, you can do it all!
Please don’t forget to use the spoiler tag as soon as you start talking about a storyline.
Dave the Diver! Honestly one of the most fun games I’ve played in a long time
It’s interesting how experiences can vary. I just returned it because I wasn’t enjoying it, which was a shame because it looks great.
What makes it fun for you?
Personally, right when I start to get bored, the game throws a new mechanic or mission out there. The 3D mixed with pixel art is well done. I was initially upset about the spear gun controls, but after getting used to it it is nice.
I’ve been playing for hours every day for weeks now.
What an absolutely charming game.
I’ve been replaing “The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess” and loving the Nostalgia throwback.
The HD version on WiiU or the SD Version on GC/Wii? Are you gonna go for 100% or just a casual playthrough? :)
Personally TP has to be my favorite Zelda title, I replay it casually every 2 years or so.
I am Playing on Wii with 480p, I’ll probably 100% when I get the time to do it. It’s awesome to revisit it from time to time :)
Good luck on the canoe mini game then!! Was often one of the hardest for me to get the 100% lol
I think that one was ok, I am only scared of the marble minigame. The true test of strength and patience.
The world is mirror imaged on Wii! I did my first playthrough on wii and second playthrough on WiiU HD and I kept thinking things were on the opposite side of the map. Love this game, fantastic dungeons, just wish bosses were harder
And it’s mirrored for exactly one reason: motion controlls. Since link is actually a left handed he should swing his sword with his left arm but that would feel off if you are swinging with your right hand. So they simply fliped everything. Yeah the bosses are not hard if you know what to do. But they managed to make them feel epic, regardless of difficult.
Exoprimal. It’s the exact dumb fun I want it to be with its own little sense of humor that actually works somewhat. If you have Gamepass it is a no-brainer. I’m not sure about $60 or $70 or whatever it’s retailing at yet but this will undoubtedly be a game with a huge surge in users when they start selling it for $30 and under. The PvPvE format works very well for it, it gives you a real sense of urgency and has you moving very quickly. Gives the fights and deaths real stakes that aren’t just resetting progression or something.
It has no right to be as fun as it is. Almost good as bonus existence
“Summoning: Tyrannosaurus. Consider this elevated threat an opportunity for professional growth.”
I’ve been enjoying this a lot too. Finished the story. Was just a wacky good time.
I love the pacing of the missions. They’ve really thought it through, which is not something I see with such flagrant GAAS games. The random mission changes and story elements popping in really keeps the game fresh. Yesterday in the middle of a really heated match against another team, we suddenly got dropped into an arena and all of us had to work together to take down a neo T-Rex. That was so cool and I was not expecting it at all. if that’s the kind of experience I can regularly expect from this game, then they will have my attention at least for a few months.
They are really in your face about buying things, but I am unlocking things at a steady clip so credit where credit is due. You definitely don’t need to buy your way into the game.
I have been replaying Divinity 2. I had forgotten how good this game plays and looks. AND I was watching a “Let’s Play” of DOS2 and noticed I missed some areas and stuff I didn’t know I could do. So much dept and different ways to do things.
I was replaying DOS2 on my Linux gaming PC with an XBox controller because I think the controller will play similar on Baldur’s Gate 3.
Fun days ahead soon exploring the world of Faerun and Baldur’s Gate.
I’ve been replaying as Fane and it’s still so much fun. I’m almost 500 hours in and still can play a new story line.
I’m close to hitting maximum hype for BG3.
Yep. Only a couple of weeks now.
Baldur’s Gate 3 has a community in the Fediverse.
!baldurs_gate_3Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !baldurs_gate_3@lemmy.world
Ayy, I’m also currently playing DOS2. Recently remembered that I never finished it; started a co-op campaign of it with my ex on PS4 years ago, then had a house fire and never bought another console. In early Act IV now, so I should have time to finish it up before BG3 releases.
DOS2 is a great game, and I’m enjoying my playthrough (running ranger Ifan, rogue Sebille, geo/pyro Fane, aero/hydro Lohse)but it doesn’t hit quite the same as the early access parts of BG3. Hard to put my finger on why, exactly. Maybe the more cinematic dialogue camera makes the characters in BG3 feel weightier. Anyhow, pretty hyped for the 3rd.
Yea the cinematics was the only thing missing in Divinity 2. The voice acting is great. I think Larian knew this when they started Baldur’s Gate 3 and made the big commitment to correct this.
Battlebit, it’s everything I wanted in the latest Battlefield titles and more, but made by 3 indie devs. Map votes, weapon attachments, classes, local voice chat, destruction, scoreboard, night mode on all maps… It’s great.
I just can’t get it to “click” for me and I don’t know why; I should love it. I shall persevere.
Cheat code for having maximum fun is to make death noises over local chat whenever you’re shot.
Dude yeah battlebit is amazing!
The top rated comment on here when it first came out was “Everyone talking positively about it must be a shill, there’s no way a game can be that good”
It really just is that good!
Witcher 3
Never played a Witcher before and I knew I’d like it so I picked it up in the steam sale and man, I was right. I love it so much.
This might be one of my favorite games. So much replay value if you don’t look up spoilers. If you didn’t get heart of stone or blood and wine, you REALLY need to. They are like entire games themselves.
I got the whole bundle with all the DLCs so I am excited to get into it. I’m not very far in, only a couple hours but I am enjoying the hell out of it. Almost been late to work because I keep staying up too late playing it lol
Unpopular opinion but I didnt really like this game. My favorite games are souls like and I found I was spending more time walking around and talking than I was killing monsters . Also all of my weapons would break so quick. Maybe I was doing something wrong because everyone seems to really like these games
You really can play the game however you want. There are a bunch of monster contracts you can do if all you want to do is fight monsters, and a bunch of side quests involve fighting more monsters along the way. And some of the story show you some of the worst monsters are actually humans. The durability is a pain, but once you build up some cash, you can buy repair kits that make long travels easier. Otherwise, repair every time you are in a town/city. The game has a lot to it and starts kind of slow but once you get into it (about Crows Perch and the Baron storyline), it’s a ton of fun.
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Yooo I’ve also been replaying it. I’ve 100% it already but with the next gen updates there were a good chunk of changes. I’ve been loving it all over again.
This was my first introduction to the Witcher world. Currently playing this too and I love it. I actually abandoned the game halfway the first time because my computer was overheating. By the time I fixed it, and
a couple ofmany Paradox games later, it was more than year before I went back to the Witcher. Restarted, and holy hell, this game amazes me in how many different paths one can take in this game.My number one gamer is all time.
I’ve tried two times now to play it through but I always end up quitting the game around 25 hours and I don’t even know why.
I still haven’t played it. I felt like I should play the first couple before I play #3, but I started this first one, got distracted, and now it’s been years.
Do you feel like you missed out on understanding things by starting with Witcher 3 vs. playing the others first?
I think the story is standalone enough that you don’t need to play them, but I actually think the first 2 games are kinda underrated bangers. Super janky and weird but if you can learn to appreciate them for what they are there’s a lot to enjoy
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I’m waiting for Baldur’s Gate 3, I’ve been saving myself from spoilers ever since early access started. I got some time off work for the launch of the full version that’s a couple of weeks from now, and plan to sink some good hours into that. Until then I’m wasting time with random games like Brotato, hades, hearthstone battlegrounds, diablo 4, civ 6 and a whole bunch of others.
I’m in the exact same situation. Got 2 weeks off scheduled for Baldur’s Gate 3 release and I’m currently just replaying Outer Worlds and Tyranny to pass the time while I wait.
You must gather your party before venturing forth.
I’ve played almost every RPG I own in the past year trying to hold off on one last EA playthrough of BG3. Haven’t touched it since the infamous CONTENT PENDING era and I really want to go from that jank-ass period of EA straight into the full version.
It’s been really hard.
I’ve finally gave in and tried Vampire Survivors… what have I done. I didn’t realize it was 3AM by the time I put my handheld down and suffering at work today.
Outside of that been casually replaying Halo CE and **Midnight Club 2 **
Once you’ve beat Vampire Survivors you can lose more time playing Halls of Torment. You can curse me later
I’ve been working a lot, so I’ve been decompressing with No Man’s Sky
Playing Subnautica (original) for the first time and absolutely loving it!
Using a few QOL mods, I’ve given Subnautica 500+ hours of my life. It’s an excellent indie title that more game developers need to look at as an example of what they should be chasing.
would you mind listing off a few of those? it’s clunkiness is a lot of why i haven’t been able to get into something that by all rights should be right up my alley.
I just bought it, after my brother showed it to me. It looks really good.
Yeah… It’s really an immersive game. Pun intended.
Well done!
I’ve been playing Metroid Prime: Remastered. It’s amazing to see the beauty of the world in this game, but kid me must of had way more patience for the backtracking
Just finished TOTK so now I’m starting Diablo 4
How different is it from 3? There were a lot of complaints when it first came out. But I was wondering how much of that was just people being a bit overzealous.
Honestly, barely played 3. Tried to get into it but it wasn’t my cup of tea at the time. Now that my gaming preferences have changed and I play with friends it’s a bit more up my alley. I like it though but I’m very early in the game (level 13).
Days Gone. New to me. My pet peeve is that the motorcycle is a piece of junk. It’s got like 1.5 gallon gas tank and gets something like 2km/gallon. Or maybe it’s 1 mpg, but the game uses metric for distances and imperial for volume.
I’m playing that one now too. You’re right, it’s annoying that you can only drive for like two or three minutes on the bike before it’s out of fuel. But I quickly got used to looking for fuel cans and planning around gas stations. There are enough of them. It’s a deliberate choice, I think, to increase your engagement with the world and prevent you from just driving through it.
Overall I’m very impressed with the game. The story is really engaging. The gameplay and mechanics are solid and well balanced. The rules are not always intuitive, but once you learn them they are consistent. The longer I play it the more time I want to spend with it.
I played through that fairly recently! Unexpected gem, I thought. In the early game, doing missions for Copeland’s camp will eventually get you access to a larger fuel tank. The best rewards, imo, were the guns you unlock by taking down hordes.
I don’t spend too much on games and only buy if they’re on sale.
Recently bought sleeping dogs for $2 and finished it 2 days ago. It was a 10/10 experience. Definitely suggest everyone to try it.
Other than that I’ve been playing Deep Rock Galactic.
Sleeping dogs deserves a sequel.
Also bought Sleeping Dogs in the Summer Sale and I’m playing it on my Steam Deck. I’m loving it so far.
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Rock and stone !
Rock and stone !
Minecraft for the first time! With my 5 y/o who sits on his tablet. It’s dangerous for us both.
I remember losing so much sleep when I first played Minecraft a decade ago, it’s one of those games that I wish I could experience for the first time again.