I’m an old guy. I started my life as a right-wing Conservative Christian. I’m now. Both an atheist and an anarchist. So yes people change. My journey has been six decades long.
Husband, Father, Gamer, Nerd
I’m an old guy. I started my life as a right-wing Conservative Christian. I’m now. Both an atheist and an anarchist. So yes people change. My journey has been six decades long.
I’m a Slack guy, when forced to use Teams it just always tried to get in the way of anything I wanted to do and Slack would get out of the way.
Sadly Slack are busy trying to make Slack as obnoxious as Teams.
For a counterpoint, my wife loves Teams. She uses it all day every day, and only has good things to say about it.
I’m a Preacher’s kid, now an atheist. But I have been wondering the same thing. It’s interesting I am not alone in that. In the last week I have seen the subject come up twice, once in this post and once at The Free Press.
My wife and I weren’t sure what to expect. We took one run at it, failed, then a few months later took another run. We are now thinking we need to watch it again. Truly wholesome.
I’m on my fourth watch of Gilmore girls. Third with my wife. First with my daughter.
Absolutely brilliant TV.
Lucu in the Sky with Diamonds.
She knows she is in the minority.
I am just sad she’s missing out.
Witcher 3 is my number 1 game of all time. My wife won’t play it because she hates Geralt’s voice.
We’re playing on XBox Series X, and it behaves reasonably well. We typically split-screen while exploring, and merge the screens during battles.
When playing Divinity:Original Sin 2 we remained in merged screens 90% of the time, but for some reason it feels off in BG3, so we go with the merge only in battles.
Baldurs Gate 3 split screen with my wife.
That all depends on how good an artist you are. If you suck at art like I do it will be very difficult. If you’re a talented artist, probably not so much.
Doing business with friends is a good way to lose friends.
Tarja Turunen Dark Christmas. It’s not 100% spectacular but it’s close.
61 here
What I wanna know is who are all these people claiming that Santa Claus is not fucking real!?
Of course he’s real.
I’m an AnCap everyone hates me at least 50% of the time (except on Lemmy where it’s closer to 90/10).
It’s often not worth the grief.
I don’t like abortion, I have grave qualms about it. I’m also vehemently pro-choice.
Will that sounds like the perfect “Gee I have to spend this money on something bigger and better” reason!
I have espoused views in my life I’m not proud of, but I think the same can be said of anyone.
Part of my journey was a search for intellectual consistency. Their are people of faith who are able to do that, I am not one of them. When it comes to politics, there are two contemporary thinkers (Ken White and Radley Balko) who forced me to re-evaluate my beliefs.
I believe there are many Conservative thinkers who hold their positions in good faith. Sometimes they are even correct! I believe there are also many Liberal thinkers who hold their positions in good faith, sometimes they are right also.
So to answer your question, I don’t think my values were bad, some of my thinking about how to implement those values definitely was though.
As with most people we morph over time.