Relay Pro
Relay Pro
I don’t get the issue with sex questions. If people enjoy reading them and answering them why should anyone stop them. If you don’t like them, don’t click the thread.
Samsung galaxy s20+
Had it 2 years, no complaints. Battery life and storage are good. Would never have an iPhone due to their restrictions on apps as you’ve touched upon.
I just want to take care of my little corner of the world. Take care of me and mine, have enjoyable experiences, make memories and try to avoid being evil.
I can’t do much about the big stuff (other than vote). It’s going to get worse before it gets better (if it ever gets better) but no point worrying.
I’ll be long gone and I have no kids by choice. Hopefully the human race will be extinct and the planet can recover.
That is some epic shithousery. Bravo.
It’s ugly, difficult to understand, And the search function is fucked. All in all, it’s pretty crap and I miss reddit a great deal. That said, I’m never going back. I just wish lemmy was better.
Finally having a barbecue. So of course the forecast has changed to rain.
Superclub is our current obsession
I’d recommend you read up on the case before saying such things. The rape victim is not at fault here, prosecution was brought by the CPS based on shit evidence. The victim now has to live with knowing her rapist is still at large and also guilt (unearned) that an innocent man has lost half his life in prison as a result.