Done a murder mystery game with the weans the other week and then another shot of Alien - fate of the nostromo, which was decent.
I’m looking at maybe getting Wingspan this weekend as I reckon weans will love that.
I own only one. Merchant Of Venus (original Avalon Hill) in mint condition.
Would have cost you £80 back in 90’ :)
Not gonna lie, that board game would have had 8 year old me enthralled in '90! I just love that cover art - reminds me so much of of Josh Kirby, especially Pratchett’s Strata and The Dark Side of the Sun book covers!
Had a good game of Castles of Burgandy this week. I’d say that Gaea Project and Terraforming Mars are the most popular games we play at the moment, since they both take 5 players.
undefined> Terraforming Mars are the most popular games we play at the moment, since they both take 5 players.
I’ve heard of Terraforming Mars but not the other two. They sound and look quite similar, is that the case except one is basically space? So many awesome suggestions from you guys here, can’t wait to payday to get a couple of them.
The brand new edition of Evolution: New World. By far the best edition IMHO - both the family and the BGGs love it.
undefined> Evolution: New World
I think you’ve just chosen for me. That looks and sounds right up our street!
Just played Pan Am for the first time yesterday.
Thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s a worker placement with bidding mechanics and route-taking not dissimilar to ticket to ride.
Only issue is that I would love to seen this game with a player count more than 4. I find it so hard to have 4 or less people to play games with since my significant other also loves games so we’re line 90% always playing together in our groups which then means for those kind of games only two of our friends can join in.
Superclub is our current obsession
undefined> Superclub
Oh that sounds interesting. I’m not the biggest football fan but I’ve always thought that football manager is one of the best RPGs about. I’m absolute fucking gash at it mind, but still doesn’t change my opinion!
I liked Wingspan but my better half did not. Got into an Azul groove recently.
A few I’ve been playing lately:
- Glass Road
- Viticulture
- Cascadia
- Castles of Burgundy
- Meadow
Got a copy of Brass Birmingham patiently waiting to be played…
Currently playing Port Royal and Paperback, although both are card games rather than traditional board games. Also the perennial Ticket to ride
undefined> Ticket to ride
Not really a fan of pure card games, but Ticket to Ride looks brilliant as well. Will definitely check it out.
As a Brit, the “Europe” version is my favourite standalone version. You can get new add on maps too.