Did not think of that either :)
Did not think of that either :)
Huh, I haven’t thought of that.
Openly and well communicated, that could be a good monetization scheme for this kind of software.
I like Feedbro (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/feedbroreader/). It’s a Firefox add-on, so it should run on almost anything that runs Firefox.
I’m just not sure how they finance themselves, so maybe don’t use it if you are on some three-letter agency’s naughty list.
I always wondered how they stay afloat with their business model (50 €/$ upfront for lifelong updates ).
Now it looks like they can’t :(
I dislike subscriptions as much as the next guy, but for jolla it seems like a good and honest business model. They don’t have an income stream via App store fees and they won’t sell your data. Keeping the regular security and updates coming constantly burns money that needs to come from somewhere.
I would be happier if I could just purchase update packages for an entire year.
The comments under article link to the Q&A, looks like I was to pessimistic:
Copy&pasted for your convenience:
Q: Are you considering keeping one-time-fee (perpetual) Sailfish license available?
A: Yes, we are and also based on the feedback it looks that we keep the option for a Sailfish OS (perpetual) license with fixed fee available for all supported device models. This will be offered next to the subscription model.
Q: I get the point you want to charge a subscription but would rather pay it yearly, will that be possible?
A: Yes, it will be.
Q: Will Sailfish OS and AppSupport continue working if I end my subscription?
A: Yes, we won’t be blocking the use. However, you would not receive releases, upgrades and new features.
Q: Will the Free Trial version continue? Also for newer device models?
A: Yes, we’re committed to continue offering the Free Trial license. Next additions to the Free Trial versions will be for Sony Xperia 10 IV and 10 V.
Q: What’s the plan with Sony Xperia XA2, 10, 10 II and 10 III?
A: They continue working as long as it’s technically feasible to support them. Hopefully we support them still years, like we’re used to, but eventually also those will deserve a retirement plan.
Q: Does this affect someone who already has a phone and a license? Do I need to pay subscription in the new Jolla Community Phone/C2?
A: The subscription model does not affect to one-time-fee (perpetual) licenses. The Jolla Community Phone comes with 12 months subscription included, after (and during) which you can freely choose whether to continue with the subscription model or pay a one-time-fee (perpetual) license.
Q: Accessories, screen protectors, cases?
A: Yes, we also like and need these indeed! Thanks to our partnership with Reeder this is now very feasible and relevant accessories will be added to the shop in due course - stay tuned!)
Depending on your tolerance for frustration you can daily a phone running SailfishX. But the reality of it, at least for me, is that you will be running mostly Android apps using the Android emulator.
The emulator and the relatively easy access to Android apps makes it the most promising for me.
Yes, they should have been wiped. (and then they should have been fed into a blender if i had my way.) :)
Please do not sell used enterprise hard drives, especially if you got them from your employer. This is how those emberrasing company secrets get leaked and we can’t have that can we? :)
I verry much like OMV, simply because i could use it with knowledge i already have.
It is a Debian system -> I understand that
It uses normal RAID and ext4 -> I understand that (Plus, if things go wrong, I can just pop the drives back into any other computer and use it without much fuss)
It has a rSnapshot plug in -> I already used that in the past.
Sure I’m missing out on fancy stuff like BTRFS / ZFS, but i can live with that.
Also my recomendation if you don’t need anything fancy.
I like the integration into the broser a lot: Instead of switching between the reader and the browser, i just switch between browser tabs.
The only weird thing with this addon is the company that makes it. They put a lot of work into their browser addons without any obvious way of monetarisation. i can not explain to myself how they make money.
So maybee don’t use it if you are on some three letter agency’s naughty list ;)
My first NAS was an old IBM X40 and two USB3-Disks.
those where the days :)
SailfishX is a usable daily driver with decent Android app support.
BUT: you’ll have to be okay with dealing with random annoyances like:
-> Your default weather app lost the ability to get weather data.
-> Some Xperia 10 III devices lose audio after some time when using GPS. Unless you are in Finland, then you are fine. Nobody knows why.