I’ve been using News for Nextcloud for the past year or so and love it. But it recently broke (refuses to pull any feeds) and reading the github issues… that app ain’t gonna last much longer.
Briefly looked at the awesome selfhosting page and going to do a read through of those when my brain is a bit more sane. But any suggestions? My main requirement is that I need to have multiple android devices able to connect and sync even while off network (I can handle the anxiety that comes from tunnels).
FreshRSS works well for me, also in combination with Read You on Android.
If you don’t need notifications I’ve actually found just adding it to Firefox as a pwa works well for me. Mobile interface is surprisingly good.
Miniflux has served me very well for years, combined with a few different apps. Reeder on iOS, I can’t remember what I used on android but there were plenty of options
Miniflux supports PWA app.
Yeah, I tried it but that experience isn’t as good as a native app. No swipe gestures, and an extremely basic UI
I use FreshRSS, Read You on Android, and NewsFlash on my PC. It all syncs via FreshRSS seamlessly.
Same, it’s pretty nice.
nextcloud news alpha is working and people are working on making it usable again. sad state of affairs, nextcloud just pushes updates breaking apps without bothering to ensure compatibility.
can confirm nextcloud news alpha is great, as is the mobile app
I’m on the alpha and it still won’t update any of my feeds. And going through the github issues it is basically summed up as “We will do another stable release once we have a frontend developer” which is basically never. So, at best, it will work until it doesn’t and then I have to fix it myself yet again and… yeah.
And if my choice is to run an older version of nextcloud to support one app? Hell no.
As the maintainer of the app: Seeing how the alpha status doesn’t have anything to do with the import or API, your lack of updates in the feeds probably has another reason than the 25.x release.
@NuXCOM_90Percent thats strange. i’ve been on alpha for a while and it is working and improving with every release.
Yeah. This isn’t the first time the news app and the core nextcloud updates have fought each other in weird and mysterious ways (for me or others). I forget how I solved it last time (I think it was a similar case of needing to manually update to bleeding edge and then tweak things) but… I just don’t care anymore.
I don’t know who is right or wrong in how nextcloud is maintained (my instinct is the nextcloud devs because… have you seen nextcloud? but also, most apps don’t have this recurring problem). But at this point, the benefits I get out of it are largely gone. And when so many issues boil down to “We need more people and resources to maintain this”, it kind of feels like getting off the train BEFORE it crashes rather than after.
I’ve been very happy with FreshRSS (docker install) running on my Synology NAS.
iOS: NetNewsWire
Linux/macOS: newsboat
FeedMe android app synching with fresh RSS.
same here
This, but Read You app instead.
Same, also the Readrops app. Less features but faster sync.
@NuXCOM_90Percent I’m using tt-rss ( https://tt-rss.org ) and it works very well for me. It’s very easy to deploy with docker, you can apply filters and organize your RSS into categories.
In my android phone I use feederI tried so many and I find NewsBlur the best one because of its options to train based on specific tags coupled with Focus reading. Sooner or later you’ll get flooded with articles without these features. I also like reading the articles distraction free. (it pull the content of the article in the app)
+1 for NewsBlur. Its filtering is just plain awesome.
Since android apps are required, I’d maybe go about this another way: find the app you like the most, then stand up whatever backend it uses for sync.
I was already in the FreshRSS ecosystem, but man, I don’t really like any of the android apps on offer, but swapping at this point would be annoying (bookmarks, saved stories, etc.)
I use tt-rss in combination with FeedMe on my Android.
I host tt-rss in docker and use Tiny Tiny RSS in GrapheneOS.
I use tt-rss and the android app
deleted by creator
I self host Freshrss and have a PWA for it. I also have Feeder in my Obtainium just in case, but it’s not currently installed.
I was using Feedly but I deleted my account and when I created a new one they only allow 3 folders on the free tier so I started to use NewsBlur instead been pretty happy with it. It’s nice it can pull the whole text of the article so you don’t have to go to another site to read the full text.