Remember when Google hired brilliant, talented engineers to build quality products?
Those were the days.
Was that ever a thing? The original Gmail design was pretty terrible. Then when they overhauled the design, and unified it with other Google product designs there was uproar. People rarely seem satisfied with UI design
Yeah because they didn’t hire designers. Just engineers.
Most engineers think that something is extravagant if it contains colours other than grey and dull blue. Also what even is tab indexing?
I want a roulette option. When I have a nine minute snooze and I know it, I’m just tired and anxious waiting for it. If I don’t know how long it’s going to be I won’t stress over it. Go back to sleep and hope for the best. Set a 25min max so I can still panic shower my way into being on time.
You could also set your alarm 25 minutes later (or whenever you need to) and waking up at that time without snoozing it. The sleep quality would probably be even a lot better than the one from the snoozeroulette. Snoozing just makes you wake-up earlier than you should.
Snoozing is never a good choice by plan, I agree. It’s a special weapon against the tyranny of the alarm that gives the brief illusion of winning. Its to be used sparingly of course, but it’s all we’ve got.
I understand that it’s not possible for everybody (though it should) but regular and long enough sleep will allow you to wake up without even needing an alarm.
This can be difficult during your studies with irregular schedule (and too many parties) or some jobs with irregular working hours. But generally if you wake-up everyday at the same time to go to work and you had enough sleep, you will be awake when your alarm rings.
What app?
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Mine isn’t like that. Google clock on pixel 7 Pro.
Edit: mines like that. It’s the snooze time you set in settings that apply to all alarms.
Honestly makes sense to do it this way. Pick your exact time limited to 30 minutes. Set it once and forget it.
Op is just farming for outrage.
Its a small thing but google is the example for most people. This is bad ui.
How would you change it? A slider would be worse for this setting.
Ever try to use a slider in a password manager to determine the length?
Trying to set your password to 21 characters? 20… 22… 20… 24… 18… ah fuck it, I guess my password is going to be 18 instead.
When you have a hard limit of 1-30, on a setting you touch once, if ever, this is fine. A text field with the ability to input a number would be okay, except it would confuse people who want more than 30, and that’s bad UX.
I still think a slider would be better but im nit a ux developer because im horrible at it but im pretty sure that someone who is paid to do this could figure out something better.
with the easiest method ever: an input that takes only non negative values up to 60 or 24
My old workplace’s timecard system used dropdowns for hours and minutes for every day. Took like 10 minutes to fill out for the week. It was awful.
That should be a slider pop-up, like this:
Probably best to widen it for better control.
I built this myself, and this stuff is already built into Android.
Definitely not the BEST design but it could be way worse. They could be check boxes.
How far can you scroll down? What’s their max?
The max is 30 minutes.
Who could possibly want to set a timer longer than that?
It’s snooze length. If you’re setting a snooze length more than 30 minutes you should probably just set a new alarm
They should just use a slider
Bro you set it once and forget it. You’re misleading people and intentionally keeping your replies vague lmao
Are you mistaking this for a timer? This is a snooze length. You would likely want your snooze length from 5-30 minutes. This is bad UI design.
This is in the Google Clock settings. It’s the snooze length that is buried deep down, that you’re meant to set once, and it applies to all of your alarms.
I know what it is.
You’re acting like it’s something you need to do every time you set an alarm. That’s not true, and until you were called out for it, you kept all of your replies vague to make it seem like it’s something you had to do often.
I didn’t even know the UI existed until I went looking, since you ignored my other comment asking which app this was.
Bad UI design is bad UI design. It doesn’t matter how often you visit it.
To be fair, this is for setting the duration of the snooze button for your alarms, not a timer. Most people would set it once and never touch it again. Anyone snoozing for more than 30 minutes is a psycho that hates sleeping anyway.