And I mean like Cartoon pop teleport sound effect “Huh? What happened to my job?”

        2 months ago

        (UK) Last time I started in a unioned job the company (voluntarily?) told me about it during my induction, there were flyers in the break room, a poster in the break room with a named representative on my floor (a regular worker like me, it was voluntary) and official rep who I could call. Maybe once or twice a year the union did a presentation in a meeting room at the office and you could could take the hour (unpaid) to go and watch, after which you were encouraged to sign up. Semi regular emails through the year to my company email address about pay and bonus negotiation etc.

      • lime!
        272 months ago

        you get the flyers from the company. unless its a non-union site, in which case you will usually have to climb over the picket line to get in. the one at tesla is coming up on 15 months now, the union have signalled that they have the funds to keep the strike going while paying every worker 125% salary for another… 200 years.

          12 months ago

          How do you know the union is working for you as opposed to for the good of the company?

          There was one case where the company selected a union in the US that doesn’t give the workers much if anything

          • lime!
            52 months ago

            generally unions are hierarchically structured so that one smaller union can call on the resources of their parent organisation. my employer has a collective bargaining agreement with a union representing “white-collar workers” (it’s a more formal term here), which is itself a sub-union of the “central organization for professionals” which means that the sub-union sets the minimum terms and if the company fails to uphold them they get struck by all the sub-unions of the central org. since my employer is active all over europe, this may eventually escalate to the EUTC if bad enough, meaning the company would be seeing strikes all over the continent.

            CBA’s occasionally get renegotiated based on directive from the central organisations. this includes minimum yearly raises and such. currently we’re just coming out of a negotiation period where raises were centrally agreed to 4.5% over two years, which together with inflation being higher than normal meant that most people’s actual salaries went down. however, this was not a surprise, it came as a request from the central bank as a means to lower inflation back to normal, which to their credit seems to have worked. so in the short run it was a bit anti-worker, but it stabilised the industry which means i still have a job. my previous employer did not have a CBA, with the reasoning that their terms were better anyway (and they were but the point is is the “collective” part, not the “agreement” part) and when inflation hit them they basically randomly stopped giving raises. a few of my colleagues actually passed me in salary.

            as for another pretty interesting example, the tesla thing. the strike they are currently facing is due to them being non-union. there is no rule saying they have to be, but in general auto makers are unionised. tesla has a standing policy to not talk to unions, and they are not doing anything wrong on paper, so the union is basically besieging them. people working for tesla generally don’t want to be unionised (at least they say so publicly) so the strike is based on other unionised workforces (like electricians, postal workers, dock workers) refusing to do work for tesla. tesla are calling this behavior into question, and on paper it is questionable. it has prevented a lot of shit historically, so they won’t get anywhere with it, but looking in from the outside it must seem a bit odd.

            32 months ago

            Good question. That takes a little research. You’ll want to talk to a union that is capable of making collective agreements.

            There are indeed fake unions out there with no other purpose than to take your money and keep you from organizing into the actual unions.

            Contat the umbrella organisation if in doubt.

                22 months ago

                I can’t remember the name. I’ll try to find it when I’m next on shift.

                They forced the company to switch from a merit system to a scheduled raise, so now everyone gets the same low raise regularly, instead of anyone having an opportunity to earn a higher raise by being good at the job. They forced us to separate out sick leave vs pto, when before it was just one large pool. Now we have much less time off in total. Then they forced in a specific discipline policy requiring several steps and legalese loopholes which forces us to keep bad actor employees for months and months when before we could just fire them. Overall quality of service is way down, the workload has dramatically shifted so that there are now freeloaders and then employees who have to take up the slack. Morale is down, all our quality employees are burning out and quitting. It’s a fuckin mess.

      • odd
        252 months ago

        Simple: you don’t fuck with unions. They are far more powerful in Germany. And Germany is the lower end even. 😅

        142 months ago

        Worked in the UK, when I started my job I was given lots of hr forms, contract, info about benefits and leaflets for each of the two main unions that covered our workplace. If there was ever any issues, our line managers would remind us of our right to have a union rep present for meetings with management.

      2 months ago

      Maybe just keep politics out of work?

      I can’t stand anyone bringing up anything political at work - regardless of which “side”. It’s irrelevant and a distraction - I got shit to do.

      So if you got shitcanned for it, you’ll get zero sympathy from me.

        2 months ago

        People that insist on keeping politics out of the workplace are the exact same type of people that work for less money than their peers for the military industrial complex, making missiles that turn brown people into hamburger. I find that they also tend to universally hold this grind-culture delusion that rich people are innately better people that earned their wealth and the poor are lazy, stupid scum that deserve to be exterminated and oppressed at every turn.

        Politics is humanity.

        If you actively encourage others to willingly eschew their freedom of speech or unquestioningly do work that results in the violent murder of innocent strangers without so much as a twinge of guilt in your mind, you are a scab with absolutely no spine and your opinion means jack shit to me.

          42 months ago

          I’m over 50 I’ve had numerous jobs and I’ve never had a job where the people at that workplace would wanna hear my political opinions. It’s understood you keep your politics out of the workplace. If that means you have no respect for me well so be it. But no one wants to hear your opinion at the workplace and no one wants to hear mine the workplace.

          Maybe in your country it’s acceptable, but I’ve had jobs throughout a number of states in the US never had a job where it was acceptable.

          As for freedom of speech. Yeah your freedom of speech only applies to what the government can do about you saying something.

          Has nothing to do with how your coworkers view you or treat you.

            42 months ago

            freedom of speech

            … never means Freedom from Repercussions . When you’re on the clock, you gotta follow the rules.

            22 months ago


            Someone older than a teen understands we have a responsibility to bring people together, create a trusting environment, focused on the job at hand.

            So even when someone brings up politics, I simply don’t respond, or just ask a work question. Because I know most people doing this want to have their viewpoint validated, and I probably don’t agree in some way. This situation helps no one, and just promotes divisiveness.

          2 months ago

          Work is for work, not for political bullshit.

          Political bullshit is alway divisive, and we all work too damn hard to build cohesive teams.

          I’ve seen it many times - if you’re one of those that is compelled to bring outside bullshit to work, where we have enough actual related issues to contend with, you’ll be left behind. People won’t want to work with you, I because you’re not a team player and more interested in discussing political crap (or reality TV crap, or whatever) than discussing the very real issues in front of us.

          We already don’t have enough time for the tasks at hand, last thing we need is such juvenile nonsense.

          You want to talk politics, do it on your break, away from me.

          And your freedom of speech bullshit argument is nothing more than a sophistry tactic known as a strawman. This reveals you to be a sophist, not interested in discovering truth, but rather in winning an argument.

          You even led with castigating me, and continued on with denigrating.

          You should probably revisit your intentions and ethics.

          -32 months ago


          1. aggression
          2. ‘people that’ (not who? objectification)
          3. ‘cuck’
          4. people who disagree with you are coincidentally war criminal facilitators.

          Is this reddit?

            2 months ago
            1. tone policing
            2. grammar policing
            3. word policing (thanks for that. I think scab is so much more fitting in this case)
            4. tone policing

            Do these types of comments ever get you anywhere? Now that you’ve thoroughly offended me, did you have a point to make? Or was your point just that no one should have free speech and should be punished irreparably and permanently for calling out injustice wherever they see it?

            Speaking of which, do you ever attempt to vocalize these strangely despotic hot takes out loud to yourself and think, “am I a fascist?”

        62 months ago

        A lot of times you can’t avoid bringing up politics. For example, let’s say you’re a person whose rights are under attack in the US, like a trans person. Talking about the threats to your existence and how you’re worried that it’ll become legal to discriminate against you is “politics”, so you’re stuck in the position of “let these attacks happen and don’t speak up about it, thus ensuring things get worse” or speak up and risk your job.

        2 months ago

        With many subjects, I agree. But there are other subjects that have been politicized, which really shouldn’t have been. Someone’s sexual orientation shouldn’t be a matter of political debate. If a gay guy mentions their husband, that’s not “bringing up politics”, but many conservatives will treat it as such. I’ve heard all of the “shoving it in my face” comments just because someone dared to mention their partner when asked how their weekend was. In reality, that person is simply existing, and peoples’ existence should never be a matter of political debate.

    • RandomStickman
      262 months ago

      Isekai, Japanese for different world, is a genre of media usually about someone being teleported from the mundane world to a fantastical one.

    332 months ago

    I know someone who was fired after responding to a Slack message with an emoji that was interpreted as critical of the CEO of the company, lol. The emoji wasn’t offensive or anything, it was just showing support for the message which was if I remember correctly was jokingly criticizing the CEO. I think the employee took up a legal battle after that.

    I think it depends on the job and the culture you are in, how replaceable you are, etc. as to how to be instantly fired. I know people who have made mistakes in their job that cost the company lots of money and they weren’t fired. I know people who watched TV all day in the open office environment in full view and who weren’t fired.

    • snooggums
      162 months ago

      I know people who have made mistakes in their job that cost the company lots of money and they weren’t fired. I know people who watched TV all day in the open office environment in full view and who weren’t fired.

      Yeah, but those things are not blows to the CEOs fragile ego like a good old misunderstanding can be.

      112 months ago

      We lost a guy who received verbal agreement on running Folding@Home, but didn’t have it on paper. It was a large private cloud (data center).

    2 months ago

    All our took for me was being too highly paid, I think. Lay offs came and I went. Literally about to present the closing slides for the current phase of a massive project. Was so sure I was safe because of said critical project and was well regarded on my team. (I brought cookies even!) Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t. I was, however, the highest paid in my department.

    232 months ago

    I work in a highly secured facility so… there’s a LOT I could do to get instantly fired. The fastest would probably be trying to get through security with a weapon.

    • slazer2au
      152 months ago

      Me: Hey guys, I plugged in this wifi AP to the network so we can work and walk about.

      People: uhh, what brand is it?

      Me: Huawei, it was super cheap from a dude in the parking lot. Here is the … Why am I being harries away be security?

    192 months ago

    Definitely talking about unions if you’re in the US. I single-handedly saved the company I worked for from a $10M+ data breach, got top performance reviews, and then got screamed at by my boss after I sent an article to a coworker about how UPS drivers had gotten massive raises by unionizing. I was fired a month later for “unprofessional conduct” with zero examples given and despite the protests of the rest of the team I worked with.

      52 months ago

      Yeah, my work has an anti-union section of the employee handbook. It says they are proud to provide such good benefits that a union isn’t needed (definitely not true). And how we need to talk to HR first if we ever feel like our working conditions would warrant one. I suspect you wouldn’t be allowed back to your desk if you did that.

    192 months ago

    Most any job I’ve ever had: drop a log on the boss’s desk

    Two jobs ago: I worked at a teapot factory. If you walked the length of the plant floor and hit the emergency stop on each production line, that would be a good way to disappear quickly.

  • palordrolap
    132 months ago

    In the sense of one day you’re there, the other day you’re not, may I suggest not realising that you’re not looking after your mental health, having a total meltdown and finding yourself walking erratically up the road away from the place in a roughly homeward direction, followed by not being OK ever since?

    Actually, no, I take that back. I suggest doing the polar opposite of that. Once that particular Prince Rupert’s drop pops, it’s an impossible task to put it back together again.

    Also, when back looking at it, you’d begin to realise that the warning signs were there all along, so maybe everything wasn’t so sudden, or isekai, as you put it, at all.

    Unrelated: I can’t not hear “he’s a guy” when I hear “isekai”.

    2 months ago

    Pissing in the coffee machine your boss uses, in front of a security camera.

    Guy disappeared so quick, the CEO interrupted our daily IT stand-up meeting to disable his account and door chip.