And I mean like Cartoon pop teleport sound effect “Huh? What happened to my job?”

    43 months ago

    I’m over 50 I’ve had numerous jobs and I’ve never had a job where the people at that workplace would wanna hear my political opinions. It’s understood you keep your politics out of the workplace. If that means you have no respect for me well so be it. But no one wants to hear your opinion at the workplace and no one wants to hear mine the workplace.

    Maybe in your country it’s acceptable, but I’ve had jobs throughout a number of states in the US never had a job where it was acceptable.

    As for freedom of speech. Yeah your freedom of speech only applies to what the government can do about you saying something.

    Has nothing to do with how your coworkers view you or treat you.

      43 months ago

      freedom of speech

      … never means Freedom from Repercussions . When you’re on the clock, you gotta follow the rules.

      22 months ago


      Someone older than a teen understands we have a responsibility to bring people together, create a trusting environment, focused on the job at hand.

      So even when someone brings up politics, I simply don’t respond, or just ask a work question. Because I know most people doing this want to have their viewpoint validated, and I probably don’t agree in some way. This situation helps no one, and just promotes divisiveness.