
This is Furukawa. At today’s Corporate Management Policy Briefing, we announced that Nintendo Switch software will also be playable on the successor to Nintendo Switch. Nintendo Switch Online will be available on the successor to Nintendo Switch as well. Further information about the successor to Nintendo Switch, including its compatibility with Nintendo Switch, will be announced at a later date.

Also, what a day to be casually posting this haha

  • Baggins [he/him]
    344 months ago

    Guess what Nintendo? Backwards compatibility has been confirmed using this EMULATOR, but it won’t be played on your hardware anymore.

    • macniel
      44 months ago

      Or it will be just a hardware revision instead of an actual new console.

      • Baggins [he/him]
        44 months ago

        As in I ain’t buying anymore Nintendo consoles anyway so it doesn’t matter what they release.

    • Cethin
      34 months ago

      I willing to bet the new console isn’t significantly better hardware (which was already outdated when the Switch released), but just made to have a system the didn’t already have emulators for it. The Switch emulators work perfectly (better than the console). The new one probably is focused specifically at preventing them from working and not being a better device for consumers.

  • tiredofsametab
    214 months ago

    But don’t worry; well make you buy those legacy games in the shop again because fuck you pay me for the 4th time for a game from the 80s/90s. ~ abe Nintendo, probably

    154 months ago

    If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard this lie from a console manufacturer.

        14 months ago

        At the hardware level yes, software, yes as long as you don’t mind repaying for something you bought previously (potentially) and also don’t mind it being unavailable a few years later.

        Source: had Wii U and switch.

          24 months ago

          The WiiU could run the entire Wii OS, so that’s pretty good for backwards compatibility

      74 months ago

      While they’ve shut down online services for some of the older consoles, the backwards compatibility of the Xbox has always been excellent. I was playing Crimson Skies for the OG Xbox on my Series S a few weeks ago.

    • flicker
      54 months ago

      Oh my God I want it so bad.

      I never owned my own copy of Wind Waker. I borrowed it when I was a kid from a friend and then later I played the Wii-U version from a different friend. Now that I’m like, an adult (more or less) with my own console, I want a copy for myself. And also I want to play it again. Man! Love that game!

    44 months ago

    I would love to say this is going to flop, but in the States people pay $1k for telephones and $600+ for consoles and then pay a monthly fee to then use those devices.

    34 months ago

    I’m guessing this is from consumer pressure, until the Switch people definitely bought more physical copies of games and the minority of people got digital versions of DS/Wii-U games, but now so many people are using nintendo online and buying virtual copies people probably would not buy the next console if they had to buy the games they liked again.

      24 months ago

      I mean, Nintendo have often been fairly good with back compatibility.

      If the architecture and form factor of physical media isn’t really changing, there’s not a lot of need to block older games from running.

      They’re already on ARM, and there’s not much better for mobile gaming and GPUs have been fairly similar for a long time now.

      The more interesting question is: will the Switch games get a performance boost on Switch 2? And it’s probably going to depend on the game. I’d imagine they’ll test a lot of the more popular titles, and anything with issues just gets it disabled until the developer patches it. It’d be nice to play TotK at a decent frame rate. Impressive as it is, it certainly chugs.

      14 months ago

      probably they just dont want to make new games and just want to keep expanding switch online, but still want to sell consoles as well

  • Nexy
    34 months ago

    The pokemon teraleak sayd the switch 2 its basically a switch with better spects. Thqts Also why nintendo are taking down the emulators of switch now. Will be very easy to pirate switch 2 day one with thouse emulators.

    24 months ago

    Considering its going to just be the switch platform with better specs and maybe a new gimmick i don’t see why this is a suprise.

    -14 months ago

    damn, why so much hate for Nintendo around here? they make legitimately good games…

    I’ve been having an absolute blast playing the newest Mario party with my family, among the other games they offer.

      4 months ago

      Because it’s a shit company which seems to employ more lawyers than devs. Their lawyers routinely go after emulators, which hurts game preservation. They also go after fan projects a lot, which hurts the community.

        -44 months ago

        as a major fan of classic video game emulation, I understand the conversation surrounding game preservation… but I draw the line at emulation of current gen games that are still actively being sold with hardware that you’re still easily able to purchase.

        I can understand why nintendo may want to destroy and threaten anything that hosts software through unauthorized channels as well, as the biggest source of their income is gaming hardware and software. anything that threatens their main source of income will have the book thrown at them, wouldnt you do the same?

        Check this quote out. if you were running a business, do you not see where they are coming from? I feel like their hands are tied:

        You Can Lose Your IP Rights if Not Enforced If you don’t take adequate or sufficient, reasonable means to protect and enforce your IP, then you run the risk of losing your IP rights. What is sufficient and reasonable action is not always clear; it depends on the situation. But, suffice it to say, if you know someone is using your IP without your authorization, you should promptly look into it to determine what, if anything, should and needs to be done so that you don’t lose one of your most important business assets – your valuable intellectual property. Can Lose Your IP,of losing your IP rights.

        • MagnyusG
          64 months ago

          what you’re against is piracy.

          piracy of current gen games is what you’re against. As a consumer I should have the right to purchase a game (software) and do whatever the fuck I want with it, if I want to emulate Tears of the Kingdom because it runs and looks better on my computer than on my switch I should be allowed to do so. I purchased the console and the game, they’ve received my business, they should no longer have a say with what I do with my stuff.

          Nintendo themselves use emulators for their products, there is nothing inherently wrong with emulation.

            -54 months ago

            As a consumer I should have the right to purchase a game (software) and do whatever the fuck I want with it, if I want to emulate Tears of the Kingdom because it runs and looks better on my computer than on my switch I should be allowed to do so

            you should, but you dont. you fail to realize nintendo games are licensed to us. You do not own any software you puchase through nintendo. Take a look at the last two sections of this page:

            Can I Download a ROM If I Own the Original Game? No, downloading ROMs from direct download sites, linking sites or other illegal sources, even when you own a copy of the video game, is not allowable under the Copyright Act.

            But can’t I make a backup copy if I own the video game? You may be thinking of the backup/archival exception under the U.S. Copyright Act. There is some misinformation on the Internet regarding this backup/archival exception. This is a very narrow limitation that extends to computer software. Video games are comprised of numerous types of copyrighted works and should not be categorized as software only. Therefore, provisions that pertain to backup copies would not apply to copyrighted video game works and specifically ROM downloads, that are typically unauthorized and infringing.

            so no, you cant just run it on whatever you want to, legally speaking. I think you should be able to do whatever you want with software, but its never been this way.

              4 months ago

              But can’t I make a backup copy if I own the video game? You may be thinking of the backup/archival exception under the U.S. Copyright Act. There is some misinformation on the Internet regarding this backup/archival exception. This is a very narrow limitation that extends to computer software. Video games are comprised of numerous types of copyrighted works and should not be categorized as software only. Therefore, provisions that pertain to backup copies would not apply to copyrighted video game works and specifically ROM downloads, that are typically unauthorized and infringing.

              This statement is misleading and a lie. Computer software encompass video games as part of the legal definition outlined in Galoob v. Nintendo in 1992, which Nintendo lost in court. They do not have a legal leg to stand on. If someone wants to make an archival copy of a game they own physically, they can legally. The terms backup and archival are not interchangeable from a legal stance and Nintendo intentionally uses misleading language when answering the question.

                14 months ago

                Since we are going to take a deep dive on this, I attempted to read a Wikipedia article on this court case. I stopped reading after the second sentence since the top of the wikipedia article does not support your claim, at all.

                from wiki:

                The court determined that Galoob’s Game Genie did not violate Nintendo’s exclusive right to make derivative works of their games, because the Game Genie did not create a new permanent work.

                the game genie did not create a new copy of a video game, an important distinction. what is a ROM if its not a new, permanent file and what does this court case have to do with my previous statement?

                  4 months ago

                  I was responding to the statement found currently on Nintendo’s website, the question Nintendo states, “But can’t I make a backup copy if I own the video game?” which you posted.

                  Nintendo makes the claim that making an archival copy of a physical game you own is not legal because video games do not fall under computer software,

                  “There is some misinformation on the Internet regarding this backup/archival exception. This is a very narrow limitation that extends to computer software.”

                  According to the court case I referenced, it in fact does just that. This court case clearly spells out that video games do fall under computer software and that they are subject to all of legal rights that go with it, your right to archive your physical copy of your game just like any other computer software, but this does not extend to making “backups” which Nintendo uses interchangeably with the term archive.

                  In legal terms backups are intended for short term storage and readily usable. An archive is intended with the purpose of long term storage and preservation of the software. Nintendo conflates the two and claims both are illegal, this is the problem. Not the subject of the court case mentioned, the court case I referenced is only to reinforce that the court recognized that video games fall under computer software and that § 117 of The Copyright Act of 1980 do give you that right. Here is a link to that section of the law.

    • MagnyusG
      204 months ago

      No one is complaining about Nintendo’s developers, they’re complaining about Nintendo the company.

      The company is garbage. Anti-consumer as hell, proactively fighting against video game preservation, bullying fans out of making passion projects, the list goes on.

      Literally no one is mad at Nintendo for the games they make, they’re infuriated because they make great games while the company shits on its own legacy.

        -134 months ago

        sorry, but I just will never buy into Nintendo, the company, being shitty when I feel they are trying to protect their IP.

        • Scribble902
          34 months ago

          Although I’m not 100% ok with some of the things they do. I agree with you and I enjoy their games. I think the things most people complain about that Nintendo do pales in comparison to so many other games companies it’s not worth my breath. I’m here still having a nice time playing TotK or Advance Wars Reboot camp etc!

      64 months ago

      My final straw was giving takedowns to assets used in Garry’s Mod. Those uses are generally associated to pro-Nintendo artistic messaging, and don’t go towards any game piracy.

      I decided from there I was done with Nintendo, haven’t given them a dime since. They need to downsize their law department before I consider them again.

    -24 months ago

    I would love to say this is going to flop, but in the States people pay $1k for telephones and $600+ for consoles and then pay a monthly fee to then use those devices.

  • MrGerrit
    -104 months ago

    Greatest of timing to publish this during a major election. 😂👌🏻