We’re last minute people, maybe a week in advance without air travel, a month with. A family friend just invited us to join them on a vacation NOVEMBER 2025. That seems bonkers to me!

How far in advance do you plan a small trip like a road trip or visiting family, and how far in advance for a big trip like international travel, a cruise, or Disney?

  • @merari42@lemmy.world
    29 months ago

    Without flights two or three weeks before. For roadtrips we usually only book the first hotel and then decide along the way. For air travel we book 2 or 3 months in advance and then often also do roadtrips using rental cars booking only the first and last hotel in advance.

    The only short vacations I really need to plan long time in advance are multiday bike trips where I want to take a bike on a high-speed train (because there are only few places and they are booked out super early). For example for a Bike-Tour from Innsbruck to lake Garda we had to book the train 5 months in advance.