• beaxingu
    -131 year ago

    i have as much examples as you have examples of just saying inclusivity is good means its actually good. its a stupid tactic and i don’t appreciate it. keep your debate tactics to yourself. talk like a normal person im not in a plant debate with you. if you really want sources use some yourself first but we all know that would just be stupid in a comment section.

    inclusively does not just mean that you can create a character that looks like you that’s very superficial it also means that everybody can appreciate a story and like it because its a good story and has good characters no matter what race minority status or sexuality. if you need to focus on superficial characteristics your doing wrong

    like i already said sweet baby does never make there own games they leech of other peoples games and get payed for it. people are making educated guesses from what the company says and what the people who work there say. they create the problem that they are the Solution to. they focus on representation as business model and they represent it in the most superficial performative hollow fake way this will never help anybody actually have good story’s in games it just helps sweet baby make money by riding the wave of fake performative hollow inclusivity

    • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
      81 year ago

      if you really want sources use some yourself first

      “This company does bad work! Everyone needs to avoid anything they’ve work on!”

      “Okay… can you give me some examples of their bad work?”

      “No! First YOU prove that the work they are trying to do is good!”

      How hard you work to deflect the conversation speaks volumes towards what the real issue is here.
      I tried going to the Sweet Baby Inc detected page to see what the actual issue is but nothing is explained. Just a list of games and the comment “SBI worked on this.”
      Why should I care? It’s never explained. You say they do bad work, and when I ask for an example you give a long winded no. For someone who feels so passionately about them being bad you are very reluctant to actually back up your claims.

      You are upset that I “mischaracterize[d] what the argument is really about” but it is impossible to find any direct statements as to what the argument is really about. Any clear statements of the curation page would help prevent “mischaracterization”, but people are twisting themselves in knots in order to not make direct statements.
      I have no strong opinions about SBI, I could be convinced that they are bad and best avoided, but nobody wants to present any actual arguments no matter how much people ask. Makes it really sound like a group of people too afraid to say the quiet part out loud because it wouldn’t be acceptable.

      sweet baby does never make there own games they leech of other peoples games and get payed for it.

      You mean games hire them for a service? Lots of games do that. I’ve yet to see any example of the service they provide being bad.

      • beaxingu
        -121 year ago

        for someone complaining about deflecting the conversation you sure do know how to deflect the conversation. i m not going to repeat myself on what the issue is.

        a service that should not exist and that makes games worse. if you want proof maybe ask if you can see the scripts they wrote for the games they worked on. maybe you can show us sources and proof. because you really like sources and proof. and your not using this at all as a distraction from the point . and the point is that sweet baby is shit company that does shit work that makes games worse. if you just want to say its a company that promotes inclusion that’s your problem not mine. but that would be missing the point.

        • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
          41 year ago

          i m not going to repeat myself on what the issue is.

          Seems like it would have been trivial to copy past if it had already been made clear.

          maybe you can show us sources and proof

          Of what? That nobody is making a clear statement as to what the issue is with SBI? Okay, here’s one source that implies SBI is bad but gives no reasons as to why: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/44858017-Sweet-Baby-Inc-detected/

          I am not arguing that SBI is good, I’m trying to get a clear argument as to why SBI is bad and keep hitting brick walls. I don’t know what type of “source” you expect for that other than gestures broadly at the comments.

          and the point is that sweet baby is shit company that does shit work that makes games worse

          There’s lots of shit companies that make shit games. I don’t need a curated list of shit games do be able to avoid them, I can look at reviews and even get a refund through Steam. What makes SBI special such that reviews and refunds are insufficient to be able to avoid poor quality games?

          • beaxingu
            -101 year ago

            Seems like it would have been trivia to read comments that are already posted. see i can do that to. you hit brick walls because you want to hit brick walls. ignorance is bliss and all that.

            • @Gamoc@lemmy.world
              51 year ago

              If ignorance is bliss you must be literally the happiest being in all of existence. If you were even a touch smarter you’d be embarrassed enough by this exchange you’re losing to delete your comments, but you’re not.

              • beaxingu
                -51 year ago

                not as embarrassing as saying someone else should delete there comments because you cant handle words. just the arrogance in thinking that’s a good thing to say. maybe talk like a grown up and not a baby that is just funny thank you

                • @Gamoc@lemmy.world
                  11 year ago

                  That isn’t what I said at all, but I can’t expect you to understand that I suppose. What I actually said was that if you were even slightly smarter you be so embarrassed by them that you’d delete your comments. Not sure why you think I’d want them deleted, the longer they’re here the more embarrassing it is. Or would be, if you weren’t so dense.

                  Practice some reading comprehension, judging by your comments you should start with Mr Men books, that’ll be about the right level for you.

                  • beaxingu
                    -11 year ago

                    may dude the implication is that i should delete my comments you just put some window dressing on it. you are telling me what i should do. maybe you need reading comprehension more then i do to know to not talk for people.

            • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
              51 year ago

              This is important for people to know, so I’m going to tell them “to do their own research” and not answer any questions!

              Your complaints about the argument being “miscatagorized” fall flat when you refuse to make an actual argument.

              • beaxingu
                -91 year ago

                you are replying in a comment section. maybe read it. that’s not research or saying do your own research. that’s what you are supposed to do.

                • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
                  31 year ago

                  I have. All I’ve seen are deflections, and vague statements that the company does bad work with nothing to back it up or to clarify why their work specifically requires a curated list instead of just reading reviews and avoiding poor quality games.

                  Is there a comment I missed?

                  • beaxingu
                    -81 year ago

                    you are doing this purpose now. you keep asking me to repeat myself im not going to. i can already see you will just pick and choose what i said. if you just ignore what i say then what is the fucking point but it was fun maybe just a bit repetitive.

    • @Gamoc@lemmy.world
      31 year ago

      That first paragraph is the most cringe inducing thing I’ve ever read. If you had written guttural sounds and whines you’d have sounded less stupid. Go and learn something you embarrassment.

      • beaxingu
        -61 year ago

        you have not seen much have you. you assume to much and you like to talk for people because you like talking to yourself and make up conversations don’t really know if that’s good state of mind to have maybe look into that. you seem like someone that’s very sensitive someone not made for the internet.

        • @Gamoc@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          I’m not talking for anyone, so you seem to have gotten a little lost again. It’s ok, go back and re-read, do it slowly and sound the hard words out loud so you can work out what they are. Maybe you’ll extract some of the actual meaning from the word, then you can finally make a comment that actually follows a conversation instead of this weird straw man about someone “not made for the internet.”

          And dude, the conversations I’m responding to are literally right there above my comments, where is it you think that stupid line of thought is going? Everyone can see what you said. Are you struggling with object permanence as well?

          • beaxingu
            1 year ago

            my dude you are talking for me again and you are sniffing your own farts. being this far up your own ass will never be a good look. you are funny thank you very much i appreciate it.