that is part of using the internet. you see it less because less people use it. reddit has become a circle jerk just never become a community or group of people that likes to sniff there own farts. and this problem will solve itself.
that is part of using the internet. you see it less because less people use it. reddit has become a circle jerk just never become a community or group of people that likes to sniff there own farts. and this problem will solve itself.
bless you in the year of our lord 2024
im just saying that if you do that for one you have to do it for all and definitely if all are talking about the same thing. and like i said are you going to use a bias check for the biased checker because they all do the same thing just not check themself. the bias check seems to be a never ending circle.
im not saying any are perfect im saying they are the same or worse. kotaku specifically has a very bad reputation but your bias checker seems to totally miss that nobody thinks kotaku has a high credibility it has had this reputation for years. seems the bias check is useless if the bias check itself is biased like the sites its supposed to check and how will you check that bias check is not biased itself that’s why i don’t really care much for checks like that.the Senior editor at Kotaku says you cant be racist against white people that seems a bit biased to me. seems like something someone in that position should not say. seems to undermine the credibility.
this only exists because companies can benefit from it by getting there ISG score higher because they can say they put diversity in a game. normally consultants where for a specific topic like for guns or history or a culture but sweet baby only does superficial things and represent themselves as experts when there just in marketing no expert in anything to do with the game.
you mean you want to see the actual gun there holding to the developers head and if you cant see it they cant force anything.
why did you not do this with any other article talking about sweet baby? are you implying kotaku or eurogamer or Nathan Grayson are any less biased? because they are all so well known for good journalism. also maybe use more then one media bias checker because who checks the media bias of the media bias checker i would never use it because they all seem to have bias themself.
why are you just totally ignoring how this whole thing started in the first place with a sweet baby employ trying to take the group down and the account of the creator. yes editing it for people exactly like you that cant handle words on the internet and that needs to call everything hate so that you can get your way but that’s not going to work anymore now like how it always should have been you are just very very funny.
hey now that’s not very nice. if you want to suck off Nathan Grayson that’s your problem not mine. I guarantee you it being a Nathan Grayson article makes it even worse.
shows how game journalism is shit and there as useless as sweet baby they deserve each other.
my dude you are talking for me again and you are sniffing your own farts. being this far up your own ass will never be a good look. you are funny thank you very much i appreciate it.
may dude the implication is that i should delete my comments you just put some window dressing on it. you are telling me what i should do. maybe you need reading comprehension more then i do to know to not talk for people.
you have not seen much have you. you assume to much and you like to talk for people because you like talking to yourself and make up conversations don’t really know if that’s good state of mind to have maybe look into that. you seem like someone that’s very sensitive someone not made for the internet.
not as embarrassing as saying someone else should delete there comments because you cant handle words. just the arrogance in thinking that’s a good thing to say. maybe talk like a grown up and not a baby that is just funny thank you
thank you im having egg to.
are you having something to drink? im just going to make some tea
what is this political agenda you speak off? and what made it so important to you that you felt the need to send a reply.
i have said it its in the fucking comments you just need to read like i already told you. even now you are making me repeat myself. you could have already read it by now if you just read the comments like any normal person would. that’s what they are there for. that’s why i said your questions are disingenuous. if you want to go so far in repetition just so you don’t need to read that sweet baby is a superficial performative hollow fake company that is your problem my dude.
Im confident that plasma Wayland worked before but for a couple weeks now plasma itself is black after i updated. but other programs do start up and can be seen but because plasma is black its unusable. im just looking for when it works again.