As an Iraqi, I do ask this question to myself a lot, what the world opinion on modern Iraq. It changed a lot especially after ISIS war, but people here generally don’t value the change that much due to high unemployment rates, drought, and bossy militias.

  • Mister Neon
    6 months ago

    I’m an American and a Texan. I feel shame, anger, guilt, worry, and pity.

    Bush (a Texan) back in the day started a 10 year war with your country that my taxes paid and my generation died for. This was done with completely fabricated evidence. Bush Senior, about decade before, undermined the foundations of free speech and journalism to facilitate Desert Storm.

    I’m part of a military industrial machine that kills people to make some of my country men rich.

    I’m very different from a typical person from the middle east. I don’t even abide or respect abrahamic religions. Those differences don’t make me angry though, the world would be better to leave those different than me with peace and quiet. I want Iraqi people to be happy and content, for the selfish reason that I don’t want to think about the region.

    I’m extremely fearful that the powers that be in Washington will decide to invade Iraq again in a decade or so.

      106 months ago

      This is a much more serious version of my answer, which was going to be

      “That’s one of the places where we decided oil was more precious than human life; I don’t really think of Iraq because the only discourse about it in my country is blatant xenophobia and I’m still working on finding ways around the propaganda”