As an Iraqi, I do ask this question to myself a lot, what the world opinion on modern Iraq. It changed a lot especially after ISIS war, but people here generally don’t value the change that much due to high unemployment rates, drought, and bossy militias.

  • PonyOfWar
    476 months ago

    Honestly, I’ve heard or read very little about Iraq after the war, so I have no idea what happened there since then. Unfortunately I think the country is still mostly being associated with war and crisis here in Germany. I think it’s a very interesting place especially for its ancient history though. Some of the first highly developed civilizations arose there. Would love to visit places like Ur, Babylon or Nineveh one day.

    • @lay@lemmy.zipOP
      206 months ago

      It’s really funny if you think about it, what America identified as terrorists and imprisoned at Abu Ghraib prison are now politics controlling Iraq’s economy each one with his own militia to protect him from the law. We now only looking for the future with people tending to forget what happened 20 years ago in the hope that things get better.

      • The anti war movement against the illegal war on Iraq was the biggest mobilization in history. Millions of people all over the world tried to stop the war but we’re ultimately unsuccessful. Which brings us to a bigger question, why don’t we the people have political power. I believe it comes down to greed, and capitalism. How can we stop these wars? The genocide on Palestine? The only weapon we have is to withhold our labour. Organize, unionize and strike.

          146 months ago

          It’s your last line. We have to find a way to take the world back from billionaires, by force if necessary. It’s unreal that a small handful of assholes have the power over the billions of us that they do.

      6 months ago

      There were plenty of us that saw right through the bullshit even before the war started but unfortunately because the SCOTUS decided the election for us we were stuck with a gang of money hungry pieces of shit… I mean we still are, but we were then too…

      I was young and naive so I wanted to join the military in hopes of getting some technical skills, but even as a 17 year old idiot I saw right through bushs bullshit and said fuuuuccckkkkk that. Now I work in a factory… Fuck Bush, fuck Cheney, fuck Rumsfield… War criminals the lot of them.

      To get to OPs question, in America I think we have a collective shame about it so it’s pretty much never spoken about at all. The state of Iraq is only ever mentioned within the context of ISIS :(

  • Cradle of civilization. Brilliant art math and architecture. A total victim of countless imperial aggression due to its resources. Will never forgive what the US did and the fighters in Fallujah were heroes.

    I wish I could go there and meet people

  • Mister Neon
    6 months ago

    I’m an American and a Texan. I feel shame, anger, guilt, worry, and pity.

    Bush (a Texan) back in the day started a 10 year war with your country that my taxes paid and my generation died for. This was done with completely fabricated evidence. Bush Senior, about decade before, undermined the foundations of free speech and journalism to facilitate Desert Storm.

    I’m part of a military industrial machine that kills people to make some of my country men rich.

    I’m very different from a typical person from the middle east. I don’t even abide or respect abrahamic religions. Those differences don’t make me angry though, the world would be better to leave those different than me with peace and quiet. I want Iraqi people to be happy and content, for the selfish reason that I don’t want to think about the region.

    I’m extremely fearful that the powers that be in Washington will decide to invade Iraq again in a decade or so.

      106 months ago

      This is a much more serious version of my answer, which was going to be

      “That’s one of the places where we decided oil was more precious than human life; I don’t really think of Iraq because the only discourse about it in my country is blatant xenophobia and I’m still working on finding ways around the propaganda”

  • southsamurai
    286 months ago

    Well, we don’t get a lot of easy to find news on Iraq here in the US. You have to go looking for it.

    That being said, with the little that I have gone looking for, it really seems like the people of Iraq are busting their asses to recover, and have shown incredible resilience in the face of so much destruction that hit them in the last fifty years. It’s impressive as hell tbh.

      86 months ago

      That’s been my impression as well. Other countries recovering from a conflict seem to have a lot of people still looking for others to blame for their problems but Iraqis seem more interested in just trying to make things a little better each day. I think if they can hold on to that hope their future will be bright.

  • Maeve
    216 months ago

    Since we really only hear what little our media publishes about military operations, and the coming and going of the military, can you please tell us a little about it?

    • @lay@lemmy.zipOP
      236 months ago

      Well nothing much since 2014 except it become more safe with the security situation becoming more stable that tourists are being attracted to here. Corruption still a big issue and we see more and more of these cases most of them don’t get resolved unfortunately because of the authorities negligence. Lack of jobs made the people more mad with the last 4 years, protests became more often demanding of jobs in the government sectors. Water drought and the climate change started to effect our lives with no government efforts to reduce it’s impact. Generally Iraq is better now people are happier than ever.

      • Maeve
        96 months ago

        Thanks for the reply.The corruption seems to be an issue in most governments. Do most Iraqis you know think life is better or worse since Hussein is no longer in power?

        • @lay@lemmy.zipOP
          116 months ago

          Most of us here think that life here is much better now, even with all the economic obstacles and challenges.

          • Maeve
            106 months ago

            If the people are happier, that’s a starting point. I’d like to see more on-the-ground, fair coverage of your nation. It’s hard to have any opinion, let alone an informed opinion, without media attention.

            Please do share more, whenever and in whatever discussions you’re inclined. I’m interested!

            • @lay@lemmy.zipOP
              76 months ago

              Thanks really, I appreciate your interest. I will do when the chance come.

              • Maeve
                66 months ago

                You’re welcome. Thank you, too. I’ve followed you so I hope that lets me learn more about you as a person, and your country, as a whole. May you be happy and well.

  • kanervatar
    156 months ago

    I LOVE the Epic of Gilgamesh, and the historic city of Uruk (Warka) is in modern day Iraq. In that way, I have a lot of respect for the history. However, I would be too scared to travel there, for example. I hope truly that now after ISIS war, things keep getting better for the people there. I don’t hear many news from there anymore, though I wouldn’t mind hearing.

    • @lay@lemmy.zipOP
      6 months ago

      Lots of tourists come around here, mainly to The marshes, the city of Babylon and Ur, yearly from the month of November to April where the temperature rates are at it’s modest. I recommend you coming here, it’s not that scary really from the tourists perspective.

        • @lay@lemmy.zipOP
          26 months ago

          Egypt situation is different and I wouldn’t wanna talk about it here. Speaking about sexual harassments, I don’t imply it’s absence you can search online if you want to confirm that, 2022 was the worst year in that matter it showed an increased at the rates of sexual harassment in public places, but people’s and government efforts to fights it back has showed it’s results, I can’t speak for everyone ofc, so you have to take precautions. In your other comment you mentioned honor killing yeah it was a matter back then when half of Iraq didn’t have electricity, mainly at the rural parts of Iraq. Don’t get me wrong, women and human rights here in general are still at a set back from the rest of the world but we are improving bit by bit hoping to make it even better here.

    • The Menemen
      46 months ago

      The Epic of Gilgamesh is really cool, I wish there were more modern reinterpretations of it, though.

    156 months ago

    I personally believe I have zero right to hold any viewpoint or opinion aside from feeling like the western lines drawn for the middle east after WWII were bullshit.

    Let that part of the world run itself and leave them all the fuck alone.

    126 months ago

    As an American, sorry about the war that my country committed against yours for no good reason. And I’m sorry for all the innocent people that my country killed. I wish your country well, and hope you can achieve peace and stability for your people.

  • ComradeSharkfucker
    6 months ago

    I think of it as a highly imperialized and exploited country full of workers trying to make it a better place for eachother. In short, a victim of empire who deserves our material support in their struggle. However, this is my position on a lot of places.

    I don’t know much about modern Iraq outside of how the US has affected it in all honesty. I know little about its current governmental structure or the major political forces at play. Would you mind giving me a brief synopsis?

    • @lay@lemmy.zipOP
      6 months ago

      There are like 20 or even more government parties, I stopped counting them really, they all fight for who will be in charge of different sections of the government each one of them having no chance of agreement with each other, which results in a a political conflict the last 14 years at the end of every election cycle on which party is the prime minister nominated from, in the end it comes down to the nomination of an acceptable figure among these parties. And it doesn’t take long until each one of them starts digging holes in the way of that figure for the sake of benefits, either Money, investment contracts، positions amongst the authority.

      It really doesn’t effect us that much now with them recently settling down to form an electoral alliance in the last 2 years. It has become more safe the last 6-8 years so much to hold sports events "recently The Arabian Gulf Cup Which was won by Iraq btw. Iraq has come along way and now somewhat on par with its neighboring countries.

    96 months ago

    Lovely people, amazing history, real shame about the politics. Also sorry about what my country did to yours. I hear your country is gorgeous.

    86 months ago

    Are you an Iraqi in Iraq? I am an ex-iraqi but have lived in the Nordics majority of my life. People here don’t talk much about the country, but the few tourists that go there go to Erbil and only have good things to say about it.

    Would love to hear your own experience too.

    • @lay@lemmy.zipOP
      146 months ago

      Yes, born raised and probably gonna die here. I live in southern region of Iraq, specifically the city of Nasiryah. Generally everything are still lacking behind due to years of war but it’s getting better bit by bit with some hiccups because of the Iranian government influence, inflation, corruption.

        66 months ago

        Good that improvements are happening. I was briedly in basra long time ago. Stay strong!

        56 months ago

        I don’t think they meant it as a slight against your homeland. You probably don’t think about my homeland either, and idk why someone in Iraq would be concerned about Louisiana

        • @lay@lemmy.zipOP
          76 months ago

          I didn’t took it that way, and i know he didn’t mean something against my country either. It’s more of a general idea rather than thinking of something. I don’t think of the US that much but I do have a general idea about it, current political situation, and the states.

            76 months ago

            Wonder if that’s more of a language thing. You got a handle on English so presumably get more news about the English speaking world. If I read Arabic maybe I’d have more exposure to Iraqi goings-on.

            • Dr. Jenkem
              6 months ago

              Ehh, I disagree. A counter example; I’d bet money that folks in England know more about our country than we do theirs, especially when it comes to politics and current issues. I’m pretty sure most Americans wouldn’t be able to name the British PM or even what party is in power there. Everyone there probably knows Biden is the president and that he is a Democrat.

              Also, Al Jazeera publishes in English, I don’t think language is the primary barrier. American media just generally doesn’t cover foreign affairs all that much (and when they do, they generally do a shit job).

          6 months ago

          I didn’t see the domain at first, haha. Substitute in Italy or Poland if you want. You should think about Sweden or Greece a lot less, going by population like this.

          By money or something like that Iraq is way smaller than Canada, and by geopolitics way bigger. By land it’s between Sweden and Japan. We’re all kind of in an information bubble in the first world. It’s okay, the first step is knowing you have a problem.

    86 months ago

    Not heard of it since.

    Which is good I suppose because it would have to be something horrific enough to push Russia-Ukraine or Israel-Hamas out of the media.

    How is it nowadays? Getting better/worse/nowhere?

    • @lay@lemmy.zipOP
      46 months ago

      Not really much, the government only depends on oil for income with little to none effort of changing that direction. Electricity demand is higher than ever with the service declining each and every year.