At Home:
On the go:
I wrote my own scripts to tag the music and encode it to FLAC and Opus and use syncthing to copy the files to my phone. So whenever I add an album to the library it will be available every where I want in the specified format without any manual copying involved. It’s a little janky but has worked surprisingly well for years.
Check out Wolfgang’s Channel on YouTube. He goes very in depth on low power consumption home servers.
Exact Audio Copy and Qobuz.
For now. YouTube constantly changes stuff, requiring changes to newpipe. As no one will merge these into the fork, it will stop working when that happens.
Seems like it is no longer maintained. Unfortunately that means it is only a matter of time until it breaks forever.
Firefox, Neovim, Tmux, Various KDE applications, Nextcloud, Wine, Signal, OpenSSH
Probably many more
Serious Sam 4 doesn’t perform too well on the deck, though.
Everything works as expected.
LineageOS MicroG on Fairphone 4.
If you connect songkick to you will get notifications for any artists you listen to, without explicitly following each one.
If you use osmand for navigation you can use that to view your tracks, too.
You should give shopt -s autocd
a try.
alias clearswap='sudo swapoff -a && sudo swapon -a'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias ls='ls --color=auto --group-directories-first'
alias la='ls -lAh --color=auto --group-directories-first'
alias timestamp='date +%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S'
Fairphone 4 because I like the idea of a repairable, sustainable phone. Microg LineageOS because want to avoid google as much as I can (within reason).
Nope. They are similar, but not the same: Comparison
What’s your hoster?