For you
This is technically responsive, but I think you have a fair criticism. A single rule like this would be much more maintainable:
#content .grid-container {
width: 90vw;
min-width: 12rem;
max-width: 75rem;
padding: 2rem 0 1rem;
Obviously, media rules have their place, but not for something that’s consistantly a full width container like this seems to be.
I’m a new developer. Is that referring to page 123 of the in-house documentation? Version 12.3 of the code? I have no clue.
You’d have to call it something like calculatePersonalIncomeTaxPerTaxCodeSection1_2_3, but I get exhausted just looking at that. There comes a point where the cognitive work of reading crazy long camel case names is more trouble than it’s worth.
An explanation of what specification a function was written to implement is a perfectly appropriate comment. Could be improved by a direct link where possible. But it’s worth noting what that comment isn’t doing - specifying any implementation details. For that, I really can just read the code.
So they’re washed with soap and water? Must we use the scariest language possible here?