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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • There are people that don’t care if their lifestyle exploits child labor. As long as they benefit, that is all that matters to them. They are so disconnected and unable to fathom or have empathy for anyone aside from themselves or their small inner circle. It isn’t a small minority like this but unfortunately around half of America. About 30% of them are just incredibly spoiled, but as soon as they face hardships then it is all woe me. Now a few of them after may gain empathy, but a larger percentage just want everyone else to suffer and be miserable too. It’s fucking despicable what money does to people.

  • I understand and even agree with some parts of your point here, but:

    By being born as citizen of a country, you automatically gain lots of benefits like protection from violence or healthcare.

    Yeah, being a US citizen gets you neither of those things in reality unless you’re rich & powerful. I guarantee the people they’d be kidnapping here in the US & sending to war aren’t the rich kids.

  • Since you seem especially concerned about the moral aspects of the subject, and cite scandalous abuses, the question is unavoidable: why you are so exercised by Ukraine’s situation when Russia is far, far, far worse on all these fronts? It’s odd.

    Ukraine is supposed to be the democracy. Forced conscription is not something that I believe democracies engage in. What if Ukraine started requiring women to have one baby a year, and if they refused, they force bred them. Would you be okay with that?

  • I bring up conscription because I’m opposed to it, that is why. That includes Russia doing it, but Ukraine is supposed to be the democracy not the dictatorship. I’m not going to look at this & think to myself, well Russia is worse so even if Ukraine started force-breeding women to create more future soldiers then it is okay cause Russia is bad. I can understand Putin is a fascist dictator, but Ukraine forcing people to war through kidnapping/beating/jail/etc. is not good either.

  • But are you aware that Russia has had multiple rounds of conscription? Have you considered that many of Russia’s hundreds of thousands of dead soldiers were not properly supplied and used cynically as cannon fodder against Ukraine - and were therefore obviously deployed under some form of duress? Either as prison convicts or press-ganged off the street in poor remote parts of the Russian Federation that nobody in Moscow cares about.

    Yes, am I’m not okay with that either. I’m not okay with conscription in Russia, Israel, South Korea, Ukraine or anywhere. I find it odd that I say I’m not okay with conscription, and you and many others chime in with things like… “Did you know Russia has conscription?” Do you think Ukraine should be more like the authoritarian dictatorship in Russia, is that what you’re trying to say?

    Let’s remind ourselves who is the aggressor here, and who is responsible for the vast majority of the war crimes in this pointless war that could end tomorrow if Russia called off its illegal invasion.

    I agree with this, but it is a bit beside the point in regards to conscription. Russia should call of its illegal invasion, but Ukraine should also not be involved in forcing people to go to war against their will else get kidnapped/beat/jailed or worse.

    In the light of all this, why would you be so concerned about the aggressed party’s respect for legal procedures as defined under its own laws?

    Prob because forcing people to war through kidnappings/beatings/jailing/etc is human rights violations IMO and one wrong doesn’t justify another. Have you read about internment camps in the US before? Do you think those were justified cause Japan was the aggressor?

    Perhaps it’s time you stopped watching this “bunch of videos” and starting getting your information from reputable sources instead.

    I already explained I assumed some of them could be propaganda, but I did additional research & posted 2 links that include plenty of additional reliable sources. Are you suggesting now that PBS is not a reputable source? Or that Ukraine doesn’t do conscription? It turns out many of those things in the videos actually DO happen. I assumed they were propaganda, but it turns out that this is really happening.

  • Are you in favour of an independent Ukraine if they must use conscription to maintain that independence?

    If the people are being forced against their will then that is not independence. The definition of independent is not being subjected to control by others. At that point they’ve just substituted one authoritarian instead of another.

  • I am very much against conscription.

    I still support Ukraine’s independence

    I think Putin is fascist dictator. I literally said I am very much against conscription & I still support Ukraine’s independence, but yet here you are ignoring it like an unprogrammed NPC that can’t imagine being critical of an action by Ukraine without someone being a Putin apologist. Let me be clear again since me claiming to be against conscription wasn’t enough for you. I am against conscription in Ukraine, Russia, Israel, South Korea & anywhere that does it. It almost always leads to more fascism & not less.

  • Violence against nazis is good.

    Even wearing a swastika or flying a Nazi flag doesn’t mean you’re a murderer or that you intend to murder people. Many modern Nazis don’t believe that 6 million Jews were murdered and that those were facts made up by powerful Jews, so to claim they intend to murder more people because of it is ridiculous when they don’t believe the murder happened. In fact, what I’ve seen recently online is a prevalence of people like yourself (that I’m hopeful are mostly bot accounts) advocating for murdering & being violent against those who appear to be wearing Nazi symbolism or using some Nazi hand gesture, but who are being non-violent.

    Everyone, even you, has the potential to become violent. That doesn’t mean people should attack you because you have potential to become violent. That is not how free speech works and is fascist behavior.

    This conversation tells me he hasn’t done enough to tell the nazis and their defenders in his audience to fuck off, and without action his apology is worth fuckall.

    He literally apologized and took a multi-year break. His content was mostly just video games and at times a little edgy. Regardless, at what point do you decide you can get more accomplished by volunteering and showing people love through kindness. Here you are talking about how violence is good. Should I follow you around the Internet forever now reminding everyone how you think being violent is a good thing, even after you say you are sorry for it and don’t want to hurt people?