Or a doctor that dismisses all of your symptoms because they can’t be fucked to put effort into a diagnosis.
Or a doctor that dismisses all of your symptoms because they can’t be fucked to put effort into a diagnosis.
Good ol click bait titles.
Thank you for this
Yes? At the time of my comment all of the other comments were people hoping it would be a good thing.
I mean, the way that Anti-lag+ interacts with dlls is likely unique. My point is that this is on Steam to figure out, not AMD.
Steam is erroneously marking legitimate processes as illegitimate, and behavior monitoring is a pretty well established security mechanism for virus detection.
Exactly. Steam should just run a check to see if they’re using the feature and ignore it if so. It can’t be that hard to read the amd config file.
I’m not sure why people are expecting Microsoft to act altruistically in this merger. They’re a publicly traded company that exists to create profit for their shareholders, and they’re not going to do a single thing that won’t increase their profits.
Mergers like this are always bad for the consumer, and the FTC is betraying the citizens by letting it happen.
Ah, well the qbittorrent config file should live in the directory you mapped to /config. I think you can pull the default one and edit it for your container.
Fair enough, but OPs problem can be solved by changing a 0 to a 1 in a single file.
Just use a different port number. I’m not sure why it’s necessary to use the same one since you can change qbittorrent’s port in the config files.
A large chunk of advertising isn’t to get you to buy their products right that second. The goal is brand recognition so when you are ready to buy the products, you think of them first.
Like, why does Coke still need to advertise? Literally everyone knows what they sell.
If you’re using an ad blocker, they don’t want your business anyway.
Time to start searching Ollie’s and Big Lots.
My wife’s uncle did this for his 90 year old mother. He just put Solitaire and a link to her email on the desktop and she was good to go.
It’s not like it’s an ending that most people are going to stumble upon by accident.
It really doesn’t, though. There are so many options that affect the story in very different ways, so pretty much no playthrough will be the same.
Well, my wife now has a new goal in life, replacing the search for the realm of naked men.
Imo slack is just a garbage product to start with. The chat grouping is not intuitive, the notification audio alerts are subtle and easy to miss with no way of changing the tone, and a large chunk of the time I don’t receive any notification of any new messages, and the new message won’t appear in chat unless I close and reopen the chat.
And I’m definitely not the only one at my job with these issues.
You should 100% not be using a system that doesn’t receive security updates.
Yup. My wife has a family history of lupus, has kidney issues, had a serious b12 deficiency, and pretty much every other symptom of lupus, but a negative ANA panel, so it can’t be lupus (a negative ANA doesn’t rule it out completely).
When she went in because she was having neuropathic pain, which is very common in lupus and b12 deficiencies, she was told it was probably from her covid vaccine.
What sucks the most is I, a 6’3 male, actually gets taken seriously by the same doctors. It’s bad enough that I have to go with her to appointments so there’s a chance of her being taken seriously.