Got it 🫡
Got it 🫡
I had the same thought. Us North Americans are not used to sacrificing ourselves for the betterment of the future generations.
I might be confused by your comment and not understanding it properly so excuse me if I’m just not understanding right.
Are you saying that all the school shooters in America did not actively plan to kill all of those children and/or teenagers?
School shooters took a gun to a school and started open firing on children who were no threat and never even had a chance to grow up and hurt anyone.
This guy planned it out, killing one adult who was responsible for the deaths of a lot of fellow Americans while he got richer and richer from their suffering and deaths.
My mother was a wonderful person, poor, and a boomer. She never had anything handed to her. We need to stop shitting on specific generations (it’s a distraction ) and target our hate towards the class divides between us instead.
I somehow knew you’d pull the “you’re a dog racist!” card. Hopefully your dogs never encounter a poorly controlled pittie. It’s a really horrible sight to see what they’re capable of.
You seem like one of those people who own pit bull types just to act self righteous about it. They are dangerous animals (and it’s our fault as humans for breeding that into them), there is more to them than just being “bull headed”.
You’re thinking of Staffordshire bull Terriers. American pit bulls can get to 70lbs. That’s nothing to sneeze at. Pit bulls are strong, tough dogs. They can pull the bumpers off of cars like it’s paper. It doesn’t matter if they aren’t the size of a Great Dane, one of even 45 lbs would have no issue getting through chicken wire and killing his birds. The fact his neighbours are letting the dog wander around unsupervised also likely means they aren’t going to bother training the dog properly, which is dangerous with any breed but especially one as strong as the pit bull types. This is a recipe for someone getting their face chewed off.
You maybe should have tried harder to resist.
Don’t leaf blowers also have a sound decibel level that can cause hearing loss? Another good reason not to use it for that purpose