I hope there will be a pro version where you can pay to opt out of all ad and track nonsense.
Germany,NRW Working in Event IT doing Networking and wifi stuff.
I hope there will be a pro version where you can pay to opt out of all ad and track nonsense.
Not happening, because they have filters.
We have a mini compressor ;)
Still very new here and most problems I have is with filtering. No matter if Main page or in a post.
If you subscribed to a bunch of feeds it gets quickly very confusing to find things. You can choose top day or active, which is to long timeframe I would like to see some more customized preferences here like “Active but new 8h” or something.
Also big downside is that lemmy seems not take into account the strenght of single subs. So if I subscribe a big one like Technology my mainpage in active will 95% now only be this. It would be nice if the Active Filter also takes a bit diverse results into account and not only showing the most active sub.
Good thing is, it runs flawless on my Linux desktop too 👍 Just one of the best games I played in years. Good it payed out for larian to invest so much time into it. Maybe a good example for others that you do not need to rush a launch.