No, this one is on life support and it’s the one which injects extra controls for image links, Twitter links and whatnot. The one you are thinking of is old Reddit redirect. And yeah, couldn’t use Reddit without it
No, this one is on life support and it’s the one which injects extra controls for image links, Twitter links and whatnot. The one you are thinking of is old Reddit redirect. And yeah, couldn’t use Reddit without it
I had to use a borrowed iphone for some time and the only thing I really missed about it was Apollo for Reddit. And that’s gone now, so yeah. To change my ringtone, I had to use Bandcamp since there’s no way to run itunes on Linux. There’s no way to install third party games downloaded from places like itch.io. If I want to use my own phone to test mobile game prototypes, it’s simple and cross-platform for Android. I need a damn Mac for iphones. I don’t think Android phones are very good OS-wise or UX-wise either as of late, but at least they’re slightly less locked down. Slightly.
Every fucking suggestion you received can be bought for ~30-50$ right now. If that’s “crazy expensive” to you, maybe you should consider just getting a regular mouse. I’m pretty happy with my 10$ wireless mouse from Amazon. Neither regular or gaming mice will have issues with Linux, as you’d know if you just spent five minutes with any search engine.
So long as you’re not playing competitively, for which you’ll generally want a computer that’s actually “crazy expensive”, you don’t need a gaming mouse. It’s a luxury item.
You said you’re looking for a new mouse and that Linux support is a concern in the same message. That is going to lead most people to assume you’re at least open to suggestions. For sure sometimes people in nerdy forums will try to ‘correct’ you rather than help you, but come on.
And the only thing I’d worry about is customization software. Mechanical keyboards are generally well supported on Linux in that regard, but #Gamer #RGB, consumer peripherals will often only target Windows users on the software end of things.
“Disrespect of poor people”
My dude, you never even posted a budget. Gaming mice are usually around a hundred dollars since they’re meant to be of a higher build quality, as well as equipped with more, better bells and whistles. Your scoffing every time someone mentions a mouse more expensive than an Amazon basics one doesn’t matter if someone is answering your post without having read everything that was said prior.
I’m confused. Have you tried what is suggested in the arch wiki? Controllers are easier to get working on Linux than in Windows in my experience… And I’m on Manjaro. The Xbox 360 controller was considered the default for such a long time that in many cases, other controllers’ buttons had to be remapped externally to match the xbox 360’s in order to play games. It should be completely plug and play if your adapter and controller both work.
Man… At this point we really should actively be telling people to stay the hell away from Ubuntu. This is some M$Windows levels of sneaky and borderline malicious behavior.
I’m sure EndeavourOS is perfectly fine for the people who work on it and their core user base. That’s not my issue. It’s still happily running on my laptop. I just keep on seeing people say “Don’t use Manjaro, use EndevourOS! It’s much better.” But your average computer user would lose their shit at having to deal with those ^ issues. “You just had to enable it at installation if you wanted printing. You didn’t see the checkbox?! Oh mah gaaa” …Seriously? It’s not a checkbox to turn it back on if you miss it and should be opt-out to begin with. Are you going to tell me CUPs is a significant memory/storage drain and a gaping vulnerability in a residential network? If one’s not familiar with Linux, CUPS, pacman and Systemd it’s a huge headache for most people to get this working.
I just think that EndeavourOS shouldn’t be presented as a Manjaro alternative for your average person, when it’s an opinionated Arch-based distro with spotty defaults aimed at somewhat experienced Linux users that want nitty-gritty control over their system. (Users which, again, might as well be using vanilla Arch if that’s fun or important to them) And it has some weird update/mirror manager that prevented me from just using pacman to update my system at one point and I had to figure out whatever it was they wanted me to use. Never had this kind of crap happen to me in Manjaro. Nor was printing disabled by default. Nor were network shares hard to get working.
And in my case, I kinda don’t like Endeavour OS. I installed it on my laptop to try it out a couple months ago. It looked to me like a convenient no nonsense installer for Arch with some nice defaults, then you stumble on their custom update/mirror manager nonsense. Then you want to use a printer and realize they left CUPS disabled, as if to give you an “excuse” to use systemctl. Then if you want to use Samba, you need to go out of your way to find a default config file. I’ve had to jump through more hoops and dealt with more quirky nonsense than with Manjaro stable on that distro.
It’s like it doesn’t know who this is meant for. People who want their hand held through a GUI for something basic as updating their system, or people who love writing their own config file for everything.
Might as well install Arch, really.
-Other happy Manjaro user
… I’m a little sad this isn’t an actual community.
Edit: Nevermind, found it~ (Scroll down)
Not only is this a really interesting idea, this has to be one of the most beautifully written and structured bash scripts I’ve ever seen. I’ll give it a try later!
On Firefox I can easily send a tab to another one of my devices using a Firefox account to link them if something like that sounds acceptable to you. I imagine the same is possible with Chrome.
Weiner is a surname… and also a misspelling of wiener.
For me that’s the one, even though I’ve also been using KDE plasma for the better part of the past ten years. Very configurable, going as far as to have an option to disable CSD. It also looks like a proper modern app without being dumbed down.
Now I’m just hoping AppImage will follow in Snap’s footsteps.
Game and media preservation, for one. But I’m sure part of it is the technical challenge. There’s still websites where you can download those old flash games to run them locally, but one day Adobe Flash player will cease to work on modern operating systems.
Hasn’t Steam just beat its record of simultaneously online users? And while I’m sure Steam Decks contributed to this, we’re taking of numbers an order of magnitude bigger. Hell, PC gaming is doing so well that we’re seeing until then console exclusive games come out on Steam.
The norm is to download several 30, 60 or even 120GB updates afterwards. You then end up with an inconvenient DRM disc that has to be inserted for your game to run. When instead you could buy it online, download it just like you would’ve ended up doing and then never have to worry about damaging a Blu-ray disc.
Don’t get me wrong, I love physical copies of games… But in the era of never ending updates, live service games, indie games, and games broken at launch, I definitely understand why most of us don’t prefer them anymore.
I’m not gonna try and tell you it’s perfect. But as someone from Québec who needed an emergency surgery mid-lockdown, I was able to see multiple doctors, spend a night at the hospital, got examined in every way necessary and received said surgery, along with morphine for the following days… And basically didn’t see a damn bill. I had to wait a long time in the ER at first. Until it got worse they just told me to be patient. But from the quick estimates I did, this would’ve cost me maybe 10-15k$ in the US. Best case scenario. Scenario in which I then have to deal with an insurance company that bitches and moans about having to fulfill its part of the deal. And then of course they’d increase my premiums.