As a leftist, I find them annoying because they make me look like an idiot by association.
Quite possibly a luddite.
As a leftist, I find them annoying because they make me look like an idiot by association.
50/50 leftists and Russian troll farms or worse, by any charitable outside evaluation.
Full beards are great. I can go a week without any maintenance and still look presentable. Any other style of facial hair is just too much effort.
I think zoomers are young enough not to have the generational memory of how creepy mustaches are, so suddenly they’re cool again. I’m afraid it’ll last until the zoomers are old enough to be the creepy ones.
Well, the ones that federate with Meta will still be federated with those who don’t. So it’s really no different from what the Fediverse is already: Fragmented by design.
Super Mario. It’s been milked for what it’s worth and more, but whenever there’s a new Mario game you just know it’s going to be good.
I’m currently experimenting with Seppo for my website, which is… not ready yet. So maybe not the greatest suggestion. But development is happening fast, and I like it for a couple of reasons.
Basic functionality such as editing and deleting posts does not work yet, so it’s absolutely not ready for primetime. But it’s a project worth following, especially for those of us with an interest in the social web.
Edit: I guess this would be more if you wanted to create a basic website yourself, and add a tool for content management to it. I read the post a bit too quickly - if you’re not interested in writing some code there are much better options to go for out there. Seppo I think is nice for those who actively want to tinker a bit. :)
If you want to crazy with the keyboard, consider switching to Dvorak instead! It’s an investment of course, but you get used to it surprisingly quick and the typing experience is a lot better. As for the function button you can always just remap them to your preference, I don’t see the point in making a fuzz. Most distros are also made with a PC keyboard in mind, not that I know if that matters.
As for GNOME vs KDE, it’s up to personal preference. I enjoy my GNOME setup a lot, running just a couple extensions to get it just the way I like it. I enjoy that there are very few options and distractions around that I am not interested in. And I of course understand that other people prefer KDE. It’s great that there are two dominant DEs with such completely different design philosophies.
In the end, nothing is better than second hand!
Why do you think Ubuntu Touch is almost dead? The development community is pretty active. They recently finished the huge task of upgrading to 20.04, and are hard at work getting up to speed with 24.04, at which point they will have paid back a lot of technical debt.
Ubuntu Touch on a supported device is probably the most usable experience you can have with Linux phones as a daily driver at the moment, especially as Waydroid runs quite well on many devices to fill the gaps.
I think the Fairphone 4 is also worth checking out. It works great with Ubuntu Touch, SailfishOS seems to be doing well on the device, and there’s developments towards PostmarketOS. :)
It’s a friendly community, and Lomiri is a great DE that people have also gotten up and running on [other distros].
For the time being it runs better on Android devices than on “pure” linux phones such as the PinePhone, but I have great experiences with it. If you don’t depend on other IM services than Signal you could probably use it as a daily driver on several phones already.
I think the key here is that it’s a feed managed by the user. There’s not enough commercial potential in that. As a tech company, you want to be the one curating the feed, and you want the user to believe you’re doing it in their best interest so they don’t notice how you’re making money by subtly feeding them ads.
RSS is simply too good for the contemporary internet.
I figured there are interesting people out there who don’t really blog often, but who might post something online a few times ever year and whom I’d like to stay updated on. So I started trying to collect some of these relatively inactive personal feeds.
It’s not ass noisy as following blogs or social media, which is what I like about it. The only drawback is of course that so few people maintain an RSS feed.
Didn’t know the backstory, thanks for sharing!
I’m relieved to hear he didn’t walk around in a red fedora.
It did create a bit of a splash back when Mastodon got together and played a huge part in saving the Texas Observer.
As for being used of a source of what random people are talking about, I think that’s further off for three reasons:
This is already supported in kbin! Press your icon in the top right corner and enter the settings, and select the languages you’re interested in under the “Filter languages of threads and posts” setting (somewhat counter-intuitively under the “Appearance” heading). Seems to be working great for me at least :)
At least where I’m from, the teenagers are beginning to shy away from emojis as well, with the exception of one or two that are considered culturally acceptable. Which ones they are seems to fluctuate, so if you’re out of the loop you’re better off not trying.
My advice is to join a cental hub in the network if you’re interested in a very broad range of content, and a specialized hub if you have more particular interests. The relationship between for example and is a great example.
I think a lot of the perceived complexity of the fediverse is that it’s not just a social network, but a network of social networks. You’d want to start out on a node that reflects your interests; if that interest is merely “more content”, make it a central one.
If you want to be on a tiny or self hosted Mastodon instance it might even make sense to build the base of your network on a central network hub first, and then migrate when you already have rooted yourself in the network.
Is Linux Mint well adapted for touch screens?
I think I would go for GNOME if I were to use Linux with a touch screen. Then again, I’m using it anyway, so I’m probably biased.