Look, another failure. A dictionary is clearly bloated when you only want words that can be played in hangman! 3 letter words and bellow comprise way more memory overhead than required for a good challenging experience.
Look, another failure. A dictionary is clearly bloated when you only want words that can be played in hangman! 3 letter words and bellow comprise way more memory overhead than required for a good challenging experience.
Maybe it’s because it has hardened in the title it was automatically marked
I used Void with xfce for a year and I feel like it was the best “new” distro I’ve ever had my hands on. It was clean, efficient and I loved initd and xbps.
Oops, you’re right, I read as the opposite!
True, it is not worth the risk. But if this person is not in a country where you can easily get a jig legally then they can at least try the foil method.
I counter this, I have a V1 and have only used the foil DYI method and it works flawlessly every time I needed to do it again.
Void Linux was my daily driver for around a year and it was fast, really fast, and had a lot of tinkerability. I highly recommend it.
this comment implies there’s is an environment variable to toggle vsync.
I mean, reading the comments it seems like it can be disabled through environment variables. For vulkan at least.
I also recommend forgejo, I’ve been using it for a while for my personal projects and the ui is still beautiful while being a simple git server at the same time.
I’m guessing you’re using opencart cuz I’ve been working with an old codebase for around a year and I would love if any code analysis or intelisense actually worked… on xml files… with php in them… with javascript in php variables… with calls to php inside xml files…
If you can’t find that tab, it could also be because you need to go to steam settings and enable steam play for all titles (which will let you use Proton with any game)