@GreyTechnician When I feel like a dumbo cause all my decades of job experience with IT (but with fucking Windows) don’t help me as much and fast as I’d wish they would: my current Linux distribution – Mint. When I succeed, Linux Mint is the best.
He/him. 2 kids, 4 pets, IT consultant, loves the radical democratic and socialist idea, all life and their rights & pride, novels, music, learning, exploring, materialistic bible reading, free IT and data. Heretic. …
PGP Fingerprint 3E2A EC6D A0D4 214B EC3E 6593 4AC3 784F D6A4 25F4
Title “Join the Mockingjay” (https://flic.kr/p/qKXWHT) by just_Arty and
avatar “Live Long And Prosper - Actual Tattoo” (https://flic.kr/p/7cxuEi) by Spider.Dog
both: creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0
@GreyTechnician When I feel like a dumbo cause all my decades of job experience with IT (but with fucking Windows) don’t help me as much and fast as I’d wish they would: my current Linux distribution – Mint. When I succeed, Linux Mint is the best.
@JustEnoughDucks @NateNate60 I’m sure about the first two features: Yes. I don’t know about a picture of your manual signature, unless you talk about simply embedding it in a document: That’s for sure possible.