There was some speculations that the next game is gonna let the player create their own character. So, having Ciri as the main character is a surprise for some.
There was some speculations that the next game is gonna let the player create their own character. So, having Ciri as the main character is a surprise for some.
Use code Makewarcraftliveforever on GoG to get a $2 discount.
With the amount of marketing it received, I think people would still stick to Valorent or Overwatch 2. I only see videos and posts about Concord being a flop, than promoting it.
This help eliminating the need to keeping track of your spending.
So, Reina will become obsolete?
Only if the living wage is far better or the job market in that country is better, so I can find another job if things don’t work out as expected.
Moving the country means I have to sacrifice some benefits that I already have like my family, dog, and house. Would have said yes in a heartbeat years ago, but not now.
Even though it’s everywhere on the news, that’s the Windows thing. I still don’t know how widespread it is on Linux or if it’s even the same issue as on Windows.
Based on the article, it seems like the issue only happens on a specific distro. Is it only Rocky or other Debians?
I wonder if other distros experience similar issues. Maybe linux based users don’t even install CS at all and try to leave their OS as lean as possible.
Pokemon on Gameboy. Physical books and comics. Sketching.
Shampoo bottles while pooping.
Me too. I do remote work. Our rural home is comfortably big enough to accommodate 5 people. It’s cheaper to share bills, no rent, CoL is cheaper in the rural area too.
My baby bonds well with my parents too.
A lot of spicy quotes I could steal.
I’m going to ask ChatGPT how to prepare a garotte and then I am going to strangle you with it, and you will simply have to pray that I roll the 10% chance that it freaks out and tells me that a garotte should consist entirely of paper mache and malice.
You have to adopt Emacs and show her that she can even play Tetris on it.
I used to have a cheap mechanical keyboard that has side rainbow RGB panels that can’t be turned off. I thought that would be turned off when I turn off the backlight. Nope.
Warning. The game only has like 2 bosses. It uses rooms that keep spawning mobs as replacements for normal bosses.
Since I don’t see anyone mentions it.
Tunic. The shortcuts are so cleverly hidden that allows you to easily break the sequence in your next playthrough. The manual translation felt just like back when I tried to understand japanese game manuals that come with game boy cartridges.
Chain of Echoes. A one man RPG game with a unique combat system that has great quality of life.
Wait. It’s that long?
Felt like we joke about the announcement 2 years ago. Time fly lol
Guess, it’s to make your code look hand crafted and not copied from Chat GPT or SO for some take home assignment.
Pokemon Renegade Platinum. I found the base game was a bit too easy. The ROM hack made it so challenging. Couldn’t imagine me playing nuzelocke though.
My wife gossip about me with her boyfriend.
I have a young kid and about to have another one. I’m very happy with them. It’s like I’m rising a puppy that can talk. I have a job flexible wfh work. So, I can take care of them with my partner.
The only downside are that I have a very small window of personal time, and I can’t take too much financial risk as I used to, which is a good thing.
I think the decision making process behind having a kid is similar to the process when we decided to have a dog. You shouldn’t have a dog just because someone push a pressure on you or something.