How does less of a subscriber base lead to way more expensive price? Unless the dev is greedy and wanting to suck the souls of all the early adopters.
no idea
How does less of a subscriber base lead to way more expensive price? Unless the dev is greedy and wanting to suck the souls of all the early adopters.
Meh, I don’t know if they need defense. It’s just kind of how it is.
They got big and popular and that means momentum. Momentum is good for adoption and momentum is good for support, but it’s not great for huge jumps in technological sophistication.
I still LOVE the 2040, pico, etc, but there are just better options when you go bigger than that.
The Potato, Rock Pis.
This creator is great for when you want to SBC shop
Go check out ExplainingComputers on youtube.
He basically goes over every SBC possible. The good ones now are the Rock Pis and the Potato series
I’m happy to discuss it, as I’ve written articles about it.
I live high level routing and firewalling in VMs (60 Gbps+), and there are a couple of realities you need to accept, especially when you involved a *BSD in the mix.
I mean, you do you. But I’d much rather to just be able to change the uplink on a vSwitch or bridge to get my router going again instead of having to reboot, passthrough, insert grub cli options, swap cards, etc.
They aren’t even great platforms anymore in comparison.
Other SBCs are cheaper, more smartly designed, and have more features (emmc, pcie, etc)
The big thing RPI have going for them is that they are the standard and all the OS/software/etc end up being super turnkey
Passing through a NIC just adds complexity, not lessens it. And is a bad idea for a plethora or reasons
The great thing about Proxmox is you can do snapshot backups which take mere moments to complete. Then pass those off to a NAS where they can survive a irreparable loss of your Proxmox server.
Hopefully you put a giant asterix by this point. You need the snapshot AND the original backup. Snapshots are only diffs and can’t survive without their base backup.
Still not comfortable with the laptop battery as ups thing.
what do you mean comfortable? It’s basically designed for it.
damn that’s gross
I don’t know how fair it is to use Cisco as an example for a GUI.