Someone else in this thread mentioned the GOG version works on Mac, although I can’t see anything about it working on ARM, but I’d assume it does since it says it works on OSX 12+.
I’ve tried getting him into Steam, but he has some sort of grudge against it, idk why. Thanks for the suggestion!
Lol, it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s neurodivergent (I probably am too tbh), but I think it’s just more how he was raised and now he’s just too old to change his way, lol. He’s been a computer engineer since the 80’s and has been on the internet since about then. I think he’s just gone to too many security conferences and gotten a bit paranoid. Better to be too cautious than the other way around in my opinion. And to be clear, it’s not like he’s overly paranoid to the point of affecting his life, he just doesn’t like giving his info out online to places he doesn’t trust.