Honestly I don’t mind reasonable data caps. Like I get it, they don’t want someone torrenting 100tb of data in a day. That bogs things down.
But with 4k streaming, downloading 100gb game updates on PS5, and YouTube basically constantly on in the background, I’ll hit the 1TB per month comcast limit in like 2 weeks. And that is just me, nevermind having any roommates at all.
1TB just isn’t enough for the modern Internet.
What are they? I’d love it if people actually embraced using a different platform. Glassdoor makes no sense anymore
Just checked, looks like they are wired. I get it for certain games, but generally I prefer the convenience of wireless.
It’s beautiful
Chex quest. I got this game in a cereal box back in 1996. It defined my childhood.
Now they have an HD version on steam. 10/10 good times.
Add Nutella, enjoy?
Met a girl while being an English teacher in China. She was originally from New York. She had a very distinctive voice, very hard to forget.
Fast forward 10 years. I’m at the Santa Monica Pier playing Pokemon Go with my brother. Suddenly, THAT VOICE. I’m like… No… That isn’t possible. I keep on walking.
We reach the end of the pier, and turn around. And BOOM. There she is. We make eye contact, and are both like wtffff.
Turns out she moved there to do a podcast or something.
Anyway cool shit
Sometimes I really don’t know if these posts are serious.
You aren’t going to get drone striked. There isn’t going to be a civil war.
Chill yo
I love how delusional people here are.
Joking lol but serious that it will never happen. Windows has waaay too much of a monopoly for that to never happen.
Like wtf, am I supposed to tell my mom to use the terminal to download ms word? Oh wait sorry you can use libre office! It’s the same but… Well it looks different. And isn’t as functional.
Dang still not working. Oh well ¯\(◉°◉)/¯
I mean for this sort of thing I’d check reddit. I’m sure there are some good ideas about this there.
Anyone know why this doesn’t open in Sync?
Journey is a spiritual journey for me. I try to play it once every couple of years to remind me of the impermanence of life and existence.
Fuck the robot snakes, I want a long scarf.
Ask them about kolob while you are at it lol
Mormons think we are all going to be gods, and that God was once a man on some planet like we were, and therefore there are literally billions of gods out there. Our God just happens to be the one relevant to us.
Source - Grew up Mormon, am not anymore
Moderation tools. They need to drop literally everything else they are working on and build robust moderation tools for community owners. Nothing else matters more than this.
Thank you for being a voice of reason. People here are completely out of touch from reality