@merari42 using flatpak Steam with the library on a non-home drive.
This sucks.
Sysadmin, Unix punk, Technolojesus, and Free Software freak
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@merari42 using flatpak Steam with the library on a non-home drive.
This sucks.
@bpt11 Soda and beer cans. There’s always a little bit left.
@loonycyborg Irrelevant to this conversation.
@disguy_ovahea we don’t really share a kernel, but we do share the lineage, so yeah, we are cousins. I hate Mac OS far less than I do Windows. My pet peeve about it is largely political, not technical.
@shuro Popularity is not a function of quality is the point here.
Also “competition and coexistance” is an honor system. It only works as long as everybody agrees to play nicely. Which is hardly the case here.
@Honytawk Billions of flies can’t be just wrong, can they.
@ThatWeirdGuy1001 That’s because it’s not only ingredients that are important but order, relation and interaction between them also is. Hypthetically, in terms of *elements*, in a closed system, the engine that has burned through its fuel is no different than a freshly fueled one. But the engine has reordered them in order to extract some energy. So they are not chemically the same, strictly speaking.
@southsamurai *pistol hands*
@asklemmy Not a prank, just a story. Back at the Uni, we had a hall in the building, and that was where all of the administration was sitting. This was also one of two spots students hung out during breaks.
In there, there was an “Internet kiosk”. In practice, the damned thing was just a crappy WinXP PC with a touch screen and a metal keyboard. It was useless, actually, almost nobody ever touched it, because there were better alternatives in the computer class. The speakers were loud, though.
By default, it opened a browser with a Uni’s website as a homepage.
I loved how amazingly useless it was. So It was my primary target.
We ran Doom on it, we replaced the browser with MS Paint (boosting the usefulness 100-fold), replaced the homepage (at this point the whole administration learned what the fox said and that Rick Astley was never gonna give them up by heart, because it was 2013 and Internet was still cool).
On a year 3 I had to stop, though, because the dean was after my blood.
@shuro Here’s one more.
If you have a Unix-using friend who relies on the command history just a lil bit too much - like scrolling a dozen lines just to find an “ls” command, replace .bash_history file with a poem of your choosing with lines ordered backwards next time they forget to lock their session.
Don’t forget to back up the old file, though.
@wonderfox_dev Not bad, if lil bit morbid.
I *thought* to use mistranslations some time, but nah.
@asklemmy Here’s one more from me, also computer-related:
If you’re in a non-English speaking country and your machines use layout switch function, add *one* more keyboard layout on every system you touch. Doesn’t matter which one, but bonus points if it’s as similar to ones present as possible, but different enough to matter - for example some letters are “switched”. I used German, French and even Bulgarian.
Lock the session and watch the reaction.
You are welcome.
@hit_the_rails Poor guy. Hope you got your comeuppance and grew as a person, for this was both uncool and unsmart.
@Montagge As unpleasant it is to admit, shitty people that exist on this planet, are people too, and they also use computers. The year of Linux desktop must logically mean that it’s used by everyone, regardless how much of a piece of shit they are. Being so uncompromising and adolescently idealistic about it doesn’t do us much of a favour in terms of adoption.
On the other hand, a piece of shit with an audience might prove useful.