Yeah i don’t know what the point of this even is? It’d just be visual clutter on the screen and add pretty much nothing to the race
Aww hell yeah! i’ve been waiting for this one. Once it’s been out a few days i intend to upgrade my main rig to it.
The sad thing is, they probably did get a bonus, then set about how to further monetize it
yeah it’s absolutely ridiculous. Whoever decided that the start menu, of all things, needed to be encrusted with garbage should have been fired on the spot.
I got tired of windows pretending it knew better than me what i wanted, whether that was updates or security scans or fuck knows what else.
The final straw was when they shitted up the start menu with garbage and tried to shove their app store down my throat. At that point i was done.
Yeah i literally just run whatever the default in Linux Mint is. It’s got everything where i expect it to be and has no friction, and that’s good enough for me.
I only game on linux and regret nothing.
Linux mint is often recommended for new people, and has a interface very similar to windows. In my own experience, it’s very fast to get it up and running.
Excellent news to hear. In a lot of ways the steam release has been a step back, and it’s good to see us getting back to where we were before the release.
I would note that the guys running redhat likely don’t care so long as the money keeps coming. To them this is just a financial decision and all other considerations are moot.
lynx -dump -width 127 > “/home/dethb0y/Documents/Obsidian Vault/Calendar Events/Astronomical Calendar/”
Uses lynx to grab, format it appropriately, dump it into a specific MD file in my obsidian directory, which i then display in obsidian.
It is so hysterically niche that i can’t imagine hardly anyone would ever need, use, or want such a thing but when i came up with the idea i simply had to make it happen.
I actually do not use it, not out of any kind of moral stance but it just runs slow for me.