I love the idea, the apps look useful and I am stoked to check them out. Can anyone contribute?
I love the idea, the apps look useful and I am stoked to check them out. Can anyone contribute?
I love jack in the box curly fries with their taco sauce.
1gbps symmetrical
I have 2 vcpu (host) for the pfsense vm, xeon e5-2667 3.2ghz, i see both cpu hit about 80% max during speed tests.
pfsense ce 2.7.2-RELEASE
my isp also does pppoe, i have a virtual pfsense, 1gbps up/down, it’s never been an issue for me. ive had this setup for maybe three years.
I’m running 70b on two used 3090 and an a6000 nvlink. I think i got these for $900ea, and maybe $200 for the nvlink. Also works great.
This could also be caused by a bad connection or poor contact between the wire and the receptacle. Notice the side is melted, where the terminal screws would be, thats where the heat would be generated. When you put a load on it and electrons have to jump the gap it arcs and generates heat. Load is also a factor, on this receptacle or any downstream, but the melting on the side might be caused by arcing.
IIRC immich is like a google photos replacement. I use nextcloud for that on android but it’s not so simple on ios. How’s immich for ios, do uploads work automatically in the background? How’s performance?
I missed where the person you replied to said to never use the terminal again, now your comment makes perfect sense. I thought you were conflating the preference for powershell with windows and therefor more GUI.
My bad, and I completely agree with you, if I had to give up CLI or GUI it would be GUI hands down no competition at all, I would die without CLI.
$time = (get-date).adddays(-30)
gci -file -filter *.pdf `
| ? { $_.lastwritetime -gt $time } `
| % { convert -density 300 $_.fullname $($_.fullname + ".jpg") }
deleted by creator
That makes sense. I plugged in what I think my dad was making in 95 and it was quite a bit more than I’m making now. Explains the big house, kids, etc.
Partner and I are millinials, household income ~200K, one child, excellent credit, no debt. Partner’s standards are a tad high but I’m unusually spartan with some minor capital expenditures, so I feel we balance out.
I grew up middle class and on paper we put my parents to shame, nevertheless they built a huge house, had three kids, five cars, fed the family… while my partner and I struggle to find a home while paying for one kid.
Something doesn’t add up.
That said I do wonder if it would basically be impossible to top the boomers on wealth and cost of living. Think back before WWII and how hard was it on the average joe, probably a lot harder than we want to admit. The boomers mighta hit the jackpot and millennials are stuck basically with the expectation that we should do that well while also footing the bill for all of the “progress” they have made since the 60’s.
Don’t get me wrong, there has been real progress but there has been a lot of “progress” in the wrong directions as well, in some cases 180°. Millennials have been paying for it our whole lives, and I don’t think we are ever going to really come out ahead, we’ll bust our asses to break even but honestly I’m okay with that if it sets our children up to have a better life.
I’d be more inclined to call this a misc utensils drawer. I have one just like it, with many of the same items, but I also have a true “junk drawer”, but it has anything but utensils in it. Like, batteries, screws, magnifying glass, fire starters, a deck of cards, etc. All of the shit that ends up near the kitchen that doesn’t have a whole space dedicated to similar things, finds a home in the junk drawer.
I feel you, but if you are only there when things are good, what’s the point?
Be yourself, accept your family into your heart, and try to help them.
Show your racist uncle that whatever he dislikes about other races is also true for the supposed superior race, and that the things that make certain races seem inferior could be explained in other ways, like cultural issues (like racism).
Help your sister find passages in the Bible that speak to pyramid schemes, scams, gullibility, and remind her that her focus should not be on whatver these schemes are but on her Jesus and her salvation, and thank her for her service.
As much as you may hate dealing with people like this, I kinda think it’s the only way to help people. You have to build relationships with people that you dont agree with, search for good values in people and try to salvage them, pull them out of their tail spin.
My very imperfect father, whom I love and respect, has been a Trump supporter for a very long time and so any time a conversation can turn political, it does, and we all have to hear about the Democrat boogiemans and Trump the savior. As soon as it turns that way, even if I agree with his points or whatver, I just “oh shit here we go again” and what happens is, everyone in the room starts laughing because we all feel the same way. After a few of these I think he gets it, and I’ll talk with him about his ideas around Democrats and Trump, but in a curious way, and I’ll agree where we agree, and I’ll challenge him where I disagree. Sometimes we have to agree to disagree, I learn more about his perspective and we carry on.
Everyone on Earth is flawed and all we have is each other. I am so thankful for the people in my life that invested in me and I want to do the same for others.
Thank you for reading my TED talk.
Power users are just regular users with an ego.
GUI is like fast food, sure you can eat it and enjoy it, and you will live to see another day, but it’s inferior in every way to everything else. The real problem is that people start acting like fast food is the default food and start looking at people who eat raw or cook their own food or pay for food at a restaurant as being full of themselves.
There are countless real advantages to CLI over GUI, but allowing people to use their computer effectively by fumbling around isn’t one of them.
On RHEL it’s simply sudo dnf update -y