I feel like those arguments are pretty subjective. If you live by them, you cant listen to anything repetitive, corny, grandiose, dramatic and cheesy.
I feel like those arguments are pretty subjective. If you live by them, you cant listen to anything repetitive, corny, grandiose, dramatic and cheesy.
I went trough the old pictures of my granddad, turns out he was the head of a european accident commission.
i saw him standing in a cooling facility full of human body bags, two times. one was a flight accident, one was a whole camping site that burned down in spain or portugal.
was like in the eighties and seventies. he had also pictures of him standing next to military jets and foreign politicians and stuff.
I crashed in a car with my wheelloader because i was staring after an afftractive women that went by on a bike.
you know, like in a comedy movie. was not a hard crash though, luckily.
you invited ths beast to appear, now deal with it like a man.
be happy it turned out the way it did.
you have to have the metal uniform and some insignia, else you are out.
i think the key problem, at least for me, is that your hear the orinigal voices of the actors with the background sound of the real location.
this is completely changed when you have a german dub. it feels completely stale, lame and artificial. and you have only like 20 people that dub everything.
i am not. I just like fair rules.
if they knew how many times a week they meet somebody autistic…
“its all about calories in, calories out”.
one example:
i had these hiking pants. they were leightweight, they fit me, they were breathable, thay dryed really quick, they were zip pants, so you could take off the legs and had short trousers. cost like 50 euros.
sold by globetrotter hiking supplies in germany.
first, they were called black bear. then meru grimsey pants. then frilufts.
so, this is what they do: they discover what sells well. they take that, and ratch the price up every three months or so. when one brand is so pricey the sellnumbers drop off, they invent another one as competition, so you have two pants then.
usually there is a huge quality drop then, but also a price drop. but the product is virtually the same, in my case those same pants with different names. if you want pants with certain properties, there is this category.
now, the pants are shite. expensive they dont fit me anymore all features neutered pantlegs are narrow, like, leggins maybe? but thats stupid for the outdoors. you want loose pantlegs, because of sweat bugs, ventilation, insulation, bit of wind draft, and so you can roll them up. my ass doesnt fit as well the fabric is like plastic and not even breathable??? why would i want that?
this ratching up the price of what sells method is a thing these huge stores with great reputation do like, systemattically. i am sure this is like a buisness scholl topic.
what i do, i have alarms so that tell me when somebody is selling a size 48 of these pants. i managed to get two pairs recently.
i cite from popularmechanics.com:
As this graphic from PressureWashr.com shows, just 18 megabrands control 91 percent of the global power tools market. Of those, four companies control 48 percent.
picture: https://hips.hearstapps.com/pop.h-cdn.co/assets/17/39/1506429411-pressha.jpg?
i have a mammut backpack from 2007. i love that thing. 25 liters snowboard model, indestructible.
i had like 10 of them since childhod, goddamn loved them. loved the colors and how smooth they were.
you be the best possible you, thats enough.
they are promoting a healthy lifestyle, without realizing they have been hijacked by the food industry, who wants to sell incredible high margin junk food at meat prices.
for this to work, you have to convince a population that eats meat today, that meat is unhealthy. they dont care about ethics or enviroment. and vegans are so few that they dont matter at all as a customer base.
so you convince regular people that the reason for their dementia, obesity and diabetis is meat.
then you can sell them stuff made out of seed oils and what not, without having a farmer involved and all the subsequent cost of a living herd, butcher factory and what have you. the production chain is shorter now, and much more affordable.
and the argument why it is the same price or much more expensive then meat is:
research and development costs. get out of my face. you need a middle sized kitchen with special equipment, a lab, 3 chemical dudes, and someone who taste tests the product. and food companies do have this stuff anyway.
all the while people get fat and more unhealthy, well, i am glad they will stop eating meat, that must be a gamechanger in regard of their health.
thats a food scientist thats shows how processed food is made, i promise you its worth it.
people with really wide toes:
my 260 euros hiking shoes with extra wide toebox. i had size ten. with these shoes i have size 8.5 (i had to go longer, so i got more widht to fit my toes)
no pain anymore, no more infected nail beds. best shoes i ever had. model innsbruck
there is something toxic going on. hard to say what.
has to be old bud spencer and terrence hill movies, pretty popular in germany. I know there is a couple of them, but they are all pretty much the same anyway. ;-)