Me too…
Me too…
I liked Starfield. The buggy seems cool, but I’ll wait for the dlc to come back.
Perhaps they are referring to a Mr. Yankovic. Don’t know many other people named Weird.
Overwatch basically killed Battleborn when it launched, it’d be kinda ironic if Overwatch was killed by another MOBA shooter.
It was the same for the Series X/S. Scalpers probably killed the enthusiasm in these consoles for a lot of people.
I was pretty disappointed back when they shut down lionhead, I was interested in that asymmetrical fable game they were coming out with.
I’ve been having a blast. I’ve played other survival games but they rarely feel interesting to me, I haven’t delved this deep into since Conan Exiles (which now that I think about it also has a mechanic of capturing people to work/defend your base)
There are a few issues I’ve had. The worst are when playing on a dedicated server, I often lose connection and I load back in under the world. The worst is when offline my pals are unable to care for themselves and they’re all weakened and depressed when I log back on, the only solution right now is to put them back in the box before logging off.
Kinda but not really. There’s some things that’ll feel familiar but it still is an MMO. There’s abilities and stuff like that, and you’ll want to weave them between your basic attacks.
The main thing that’ll be familiar is some of the locations, if you’ve played morrowind, oblivion, or skyrim. Its also they only MMO that I’ve played where you can steal things that are just lying around, kinda like the main series games.
Most of the overland content is so incredibly easy to do solo, its not very fun to do as a group. Cyrodiil or Imperial City pvp might be fun and the base game goes on sale frequently.
Gifting someone a f2p game kinda sounds like a dick move imo
Because female characters typically have better creation options, like hairstyles and outfits. I like to create and play characters that I find aestheticlly pleasing, as a straight guy that means mostly female characters. I do occasionally try to make an idealized version of myself though.
The option to hide helmets. I like to spend a lot of time making my character, I don’t want to hide it under some doofy looking helmet.
Maybe go one step further and let us hide any and all pieces of armor.
I prefer controller on all games aside from top-down games and competitive games. Even faster games that I treat more casually, like destiny or overwatch, I use a controller.
If they were smart enough to start protesting, I could see myself eating mor chikin.
Obviously not, if you finish the whole game in one sitting you’ll never notice /s
I’ve been playing the Palia beta. Having a chill time with it, but I’m concerned about it’s longevity. Also dipping my toes back into New World.
Been wanting to play Baldur’s Gate but just can’t afford it right now.
Fallout 76 maybe? I stopped playing before they added npcs, maybe you could pickpocket them.
Well Johnny Depp “Willy Wonka” did say “even I am eatable”
Inventing dynamite is also a Nobel act.