The ideal Surge alarm clock would be an IV that at the right time injects caffeine and sugar directly into your veins.
The ideal Surge alarm clock would be an IV that at the right time injects caffeine and sugar directly into your veins.
Or being thrown out of a second story window during karate lessons.
That’s fascinating. I can totally understand your phobia (not that I feel it but it makes complete sense).
He’s not insulting them for being redditors.
He’s insulting them for being sex question redditors.
How dare you put Kuni’s lines in Elon’s mouth!
There’s also the Nazi of it all.
Such a shame. Dude makes funny content, too bad he’s a horrible person.
If you watch the more recent footage you can clearly see most of the plane slowly cartwheeling through the sky into the water. It was still mostly a plane.
I was not prepared for boob wings this early in the day.
This tells me I need to watch Northern Exposure, Schitt’s Creek, and Fawlty Towers.
And that you need to watch 30 Rock, Community, Scrubs, and Arrested Development.
I remember the first time my wife hear him interviewed during a race. She was utterly flabbergasted to hear a very familiar Michigander accent from someone who had been introduced with a very Romanian name.
Earlier this morning, while reading the final Discworld novel, I came across this reference Terry Pratchett made to Monty Python. It’s not my favorite thing to come out of Monty Python, but it made me smile.
Is that really part of Star Trek lore? Because…that’s terrifying if so.
Storms I hope that’s true.
Hey now - any directional system not making use of Turnwise and Widdershins is one I want no part of.
And obviously going toward the main hub of the spacecraft should be called “Hubwards.” And away from the main hub, out toward the edge of space, we could call something like “Rimwards.”
Isn’t it just ↑↑↓↓←→←→BA<start>? No second B?
This is how I use coin flips (for two options, obviously).
Make sure to stock up on fungi for the nighttime, too.
Y’all should watch Silo.