It sounds like you haven’t seen any healthy ethnically non-monogamous relationships. That’s a shame. As a part of one, I’ve seen several others as well. It can work, if it’s done for the right reasons and if all partners respect each other.
It sounds like you haven’t seen any healthy ethnically non-monogamous relationships. That’s a shame. As a part of one, I’ve seen several others as well. It can work, if it’s done for the right reasons and if all partners respect each other.
Sure, if they’re willing to just destroy everything then it’s less of a solid tactic. Will the American military be so willing to just destroy the places they grew up in? Perhaps. Will they be willing to shoot the neighbor they grew up playing with? Perhaps. Will they be willing to level the school they have so many fond memories of? Perhaps. And if so, then yes, that’s game over.
The US military has historically been pretty terrible when it comes to insurgencies. But obviously they haven’t been fighting in their own backyard.
It’ll be interesting either way. I sure hope it doesn’t come to pass.
It doesn’t seem like you’ve read much about insurgencies and rebel groups. It doesn’t actually take much firepower to inject enough chaos into the system that you cause issues with traditional militaries. One person with a rifle could keep a FOB alert and wasting resources for a couple of hours in Afghanistan. IEDs placed by individuals or small groups caused absolute terror in Iraq.
These types of things are unlikely to “win” a war. But if you make it costly enough, the other side will decide it’s not worth fighting. The point is not to engage in head-on combat, that’s suicide.
Or hell, look to the tactics of some of the rebels in the Revolutionary War or the Civil War.
Comix Zone. It was a beat-em-up on the Sega Genesis with a gorgeous, comic book art style. It wasn’t the greatest game, but it had character and it stood out against some of the other fighting games at the time. I’d really love a remake or sequel at some point. Doing it in the style of the Spider-verse movies would be rad.
Everyone had a least 9 years to figure out who Trump is. I’d be more lenient if it was a matter of months. But it was almost a decade since he first ran.
I know there are a lot of factors working against people (capitalism, propaganda, groupthink) but after all that time, I think they should own their decision.
So yes, I blame them. The man talked about injecting bleach for chist’s sakes. And that was all over the news while many people were home and could pay attention if they wanted to.