You can be a perfectly good dev and not enjoy working in the cli, especially when there are good enough alternatives
You can be a perfectly good dev and not enjoy working in the cli, especially when there are good enough alternatives
It’s more user friendly in a thousand minor ways, such as installing programs, which makes it much more user friendly overall. At least MacOS has a consistent UI that doesn’t massively change every single update
Ah yes, I love WSL deciding to consume 12 of my 16gb of memory
They’re significantly better than windows, and you could make an argument on the stability front compared to Linux
Gotta disagree, the gestures are actually amazing. Only pain point is gaming, but I don’t really do that, and the dev experience is pretty good compared to windows too. Installing programs is as easy as it should be on windows. Fuck msi installers
TOML is my bestie
I stopped using Dr Squach when I found out their toothpaste omits Flouride for REasOnS. Fuck them. Their deodorant also got mushy quickly, omits important ingredients, and left stains on my shirts. I can’t trust them to make anything other than their bars of soap, and I’d switch that out if I found a good alternative to their coffee scented soap (🤤)
I use any clear gel, currently Old Spice. I haven’t found a single “normal” deodorant that doesn’t leave white shit on my shirts, so clear gel it is.
As for shower gel, I just use a bar of soap. Anything is fine. What you should be really worried about is your shampoo and conditioner. Don’t use either of them daily. Don’t get that bullshit 2-in-1. Most people use them wrong, too.
Dudes got done dirty in the shower game
JWST isn’t going in circles, it’s orbiting the sun. If you look at it relative to that, then it looks more like a sine wave rather than going in circles. However from the perspective of the earth, it looks like it’s going in circles
I’m a pretty senior dev and have chat gpt open for quick searches. It’s great for helping me figure out what to Google in the cases where I can’t think of the name of a pattern or type I’m looking for. It also helps quite a bit with learning about obscure functions and keywords in SQL that I can do more research on
Hell, I use Copilot daily. Its auto complete is top-tier
“I’ll put in enough ads to actually support your usage habits and you can pay if you want to not deal with them”
I have the opposite tendencies. I much prefer flat UI over the tacky bezeled borders or bubble/graphics/garbage of Old™.
They actually care quite a lot. Google ranks you down if this occurs frequently through a metric called Cumulative Layout Shift. You can also be put into confirm click status if you do this egregiously, which basically means you have to click “yes” after clicking an ad before you go to the actual page. It has a huge negative effect on revenue.
Scrollbars are also shit with infinite scrolling
I’m really not a fan of shadows everywhere. They look a bit tacky. I’ve always liked flatter uis with maybe a VERY subtle shadow for navigation, but not shadows on every fuckin element
That’s mobile first done badly. You can have a good desktop design while also looking good on mobile, you just have to care even the slightest bit
Slur? That’s not a slur. Fuck outta here with that
As an American that as been to Alabama and also Coventry, I agree
Also the ring road is an absolute death trap. I’ve never felt more unsafe on a road
I can’t wait for yearly Nintendo console releases with merely cosmetic changes at $1500 price points and breaking OS changes that prevent you using games you bought two years prior!
That’s just called malware