Out of curiosity, why put the 10 commandments before the words of Jesus? I dig the general point you’re making but that caught my eye.
Mail Carrier, Autistic, Parent, Pagan, and a very cool dog.
Nonbinary with no preferred pronouns. Engaged to a bisexual sponge.
Out of curiosity, why put the 10 commandments before the words of Jesus? I dig the general point you’re making but that caught my eye.
Nah, that’s not a plot hole. That’s just a seed for the Act 3 twist we’re due in about 2 years. When the Vatican incorporates and invades Yugoslavia.
The Space Race ended without closing ceremonies.
Salty but also kind of fresh. It’s not super fishy but still clearly tastes of the ocean. The texture is a lot of fun in your mouth. And seriously, it’s a perfect pizza topping. People give me looks when I tell them this story purely because of the “Papa John’s” qualifier. But if you just consider flavor profiles, of course they go well together lol.
Maybe when he was still CEO 😂
Ok, so not exactly. The tin was split evenly amongst the 5 members of my family. I used my portion as a pizza topping. My brothers did crackers and cheese. I don’t recall what my parents did. They probably put it in the fridge for later and forgot it.
I once used $1k caviar as a topping for a Papa John’s pizza. It was delicious.
Short term profits making quarterly reports look better to stakeholders. Isn’t that how 80% of these bigwigs get their job in the first place? We should be calling it the Zaslav Model at this point 😂.
For adults, it’s under-diagnosed. Because some of the most common prescriptions for it are stimulants like Adderall, there is a fear that adults are trying to scam the doctor. Additionally, and imo even more infuriatingly, doctors are apprehensive about diagnosing an adult because “you made it this far in life without needing help. You can’t be ADHD/autistic/neurodivergent.” Fuck that mentality. I’m ADHD and autistic and I don’t need a doctor to validate me when they can’t even agree amongst themselves half the time.
Oh, ok. Yeah, that’s it. Thanks.
So it must be some sort of bug. I have two screenshots of posts here. Both communities are on the same instance. But only one shows the option to edit.
And here’s the other
I agree. Once I realized the distinction, tho, I’m still happy. Having the authorization in hand when negotiating, especially after taking into account the current double strike, will presumably give them more leverage than ever. I’m cool not having any new media for a couple years if it saves the industry.
Ah, multiplayer is something I rarely touch so I can’t have an informed opinion on that element. That sucks for you, tho.
Exactly this. I love the characters. I’m having a blast with them. Thank you for understanding that.
Nah, just honestly sick of all the hate I see for it and this is about my only social platform. Simple as that.
This comment was amazing to come across and I look forward to the film adaptation.
I exclusively use a VPN with everything and have done so for years. If steam has an issue, they have yet to inform me lol.
On a serious note tho, there is an issue if you use a VPN to access store prices for a country outside your own. Regional pricing means that some people game the system and Valve rightfully cares about that.
Yep. If you check them out via a browser you’ll see an option to view on mobile.
Ok, yeah, that would be pretty amazing as a distinction. Posts manually hidden stay hidden unless unhidden and posts already read just kept temporarily out of the way. Where do we submit such specific feedback? Someone mentioned a GitHub to me. Is there a GitHub for Sync for Lemmy?
Each one of these placating statements from them expressed sorrow for not listening/communicating more with their consumers, but I can’t help noticing a conspicuous lack of apology to their own employees.
Like, stop acting as if this is out of a clear blue sky and you’re simply course-correcting in good faith. Your own people told you this would happen. My trust in Unity is gone until they address this.