Oof sorry to hear that, friend 😞
Oof sorry to hear that, friend 😞
I have somehow never heard of this before today, I know where the rest of my day is going. Thank you!
That program sounds awesome, what is it? I love old midi tunes lol
Definitely checking this out, it looks like it will scratch a very specific itch lol
I know what I’m doing this weekend
No, we need more. I’m tired of being the only one around who can reach the top shelf to get stuff for little short kings like yourself @op
Finally starting to get some free time lately so I got Game Pass back, I played a bunch when it first came out and had a lot of fun, I’m excited to start a new playthrough with all the updates and now mod support as well.
Sounds like somebody straight from hell
Hah, look at this n00b who didn’t even play HL as a toddler
Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet. -Abraham Lincoln
Ooh, I’ll have to check that out! The trailers made it look really weird and off-putting so I never really had any interest in watching it at the time.
That would make a really good short story, I’d definitely read it
Sidology 1 & 2 are both pretty good. Anthem Apocalyptica holds a special place in my heart, though.
I tend to agree with what you’re saying about the shallowness of the story and missions. GTA5 is beautiful in terms of landscape and visual design, but there’s not much substance there. I like to play once in a while just to kind of wander around and enjoy the scenery, but it isn’t very engaging to me beyond that. To each their own I suppose.
Yeah, I definitely agree that it’s kind of a systemic problem, and pretty much how things are right now. I don’t really care for that mindset of focusing so much on older games and not prioritizing new ideas or IPs. At the same time, I’m honestly a total sucker for nostalgia, I grew up playing games from like late 90s to mid 2000s, and I would be so stoked if they remade or remastered all those games I grew up on. I would throw money at whoever remastered the Need For Speed games from '98 to '06, as good as those games were for the time, they could look so amazing with modern technology. I wanna relive my teenage years but in 4k :D
They’re a lot better these days, but I remember 15 years ago I had to spend hours in a command line just to get Linux to recognize my video card, much less utilize it properly. It’s definitely come a long long way but still far from perfect