Man no one likes twitter anymore
Man no one likes twitter anymore
Can’t be that hard to use something like cheat engine to get the money needed for that
No sorry that’s not how that should work
Ooh everything is motivation and what does plot have to do with anything
Couldn’t two face just be written to have flipped a coin and ending up burning half the money as a result
But for the joker motivation adds almost nothing
But how do not find “justified” evil boring at this point, not every bad guy should be macbeth or dr.frankenstein
It’s like that new stupid wicked witch movie that’s cooming out just because they are an antagonist doesn’t mean they can’t just be a villian, there can be decent characters that don’t need much back story or deep motivation like the joker or judge holden
Why do characters need moral nuance though?
Disco elesium eventually
How long till they get nicknamed vampires or bats?
I tried it but it failed or something and windows just took over again
Everyone from this point forward gets to live a life at least as comfortable mine is now and humanty makes it to spread across the stars
So much for having a dangerous ai just air gapped, I bet living in a computer would let you come up with stuff a human never could
If someone makes a 1920 to 1950 mod you’d be my hero, I want the untouchables with high fantasy
That can even be a guide to many things like tools, if it’s pricy but has good word of mouth and not heavily advertised (sometimes the biggest expense) then it might just be worth the cash
Spend years automating small farm tasks that take minutes
It was a fight to get the company to raise the starting wage so we could keep up with mcdonalds, it took every lead hand threatening to walk out during winter when it’s hardest to replace people because of deice training
I worked at an airport as a ramp agent and it was a minimum wage no experience job where if things fail on an 8/10 level you could cause a plane crash either by terrible luggage distribution or in effective deicing of the planes wings as an aside air canada has lower standard for deice training than most
A semi local but a “screamer” is pretty great, it’s a slush or slerpy with soft serve icecream on top or mixed in and probably the best answer to the flavourless ice you get at the bottom of the cup
Rootbeer is of course a great slush flavour for this