If people would just drop their service en masse they would stop doing this shit. Everyone acts like they can be without a streaming service for a month or two so they’ll just complain as they continue to hand them money.
If people would just drop their service en masse they would stop doing this shit. Everyone acts like they can be without a streaming service for a month or two so they’ll just complain as they continue to hand them money.
Advanced snooping.
Just more enshitification.
I think I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s no end in sight. Everyone can agree that things are going to shit but the thought of a boycott never crosses their mind. If we found a way to organize and motivate people to drop services that suck, delete social media accounts that suck and stop buying things from companies that suck we could make some real change at a speed that would surprise us all.
Instead we all acknowledge that CEOs at most large companies are pieces of shit that actively work to hinder our choices and freedoms but then we get right back to sending them money and as long as that keeps happening they have no real reason to change.
Pretty good chances.
It’s 2024 and we still need to ship a piece of paper. Fuckin embarrassing.
You sound like an incredible douche and maybe even part of the problem.
Right but I think the feeling is that there are people who it’s just being handed to and they spend all of their time making sure I’ll work increasingly harder to get what I want and likely do that until I’m near death.
Higher resolution doesn’t necessarily mean a better picture here. From what I can see in watching videos from this camera is that the bitrate is pretty low and the image is decent but not great. Without a doubt I get a better picture from a g3 flex and it’s tiny. It’s okay if you don’t like ubiquity hardware but it seems more like you just want to bash on ubiquity than actually make a fair comparison.
This just isn’t true and I love an open source solution as much as the next guy but for ease of use, features and image quality you could do a lot worse. We use axis cameras where I work and they’re ridiculously over priced imo I understand that there are IP cameras that don’t require subs and have local storage but I offered my suggestion in case those were the major hold ups for OP.
Out of curiosity what’s a solid $40 outdoor IP camera with great image quality and features?
Right. I only mentioned them because they don’t require a sub and you can store everything locally.
I’ve used a ton of ubiquity unifi cameras and they have a solid range on pricing. I think you need the unifi software to commission them though. For what it’s worth they don’t use the cloud for storage and don’t require any sort of subscription.
Fuck you Nintendo.
Fuck CCP.
The fines for these things need to be a hard percentage.
True but they specifically said a new deck was a few years out.
Kind of salty that my deck is only a few months old and I totally would’ve waited for this.
Any big stage will do
I think they’re probably grasping at straws. The message has been delivered to the right people in the right places and nothing has been done. They do look like plebs but at least they’re doing something beyond posting about it on social media somewhere.
Not really a W. Apples privacy circle jerk comes off as pretty superficial and I have no doubt that they have ways of giving governments access to things like iMessage. Since none of it is open source you just have to take their word for it.