Why the Documents folder tho? Who expects important stuff to be there?
Now all my Linux ISOs are gone, smh
Why the Documents folder tho? Who expects important stuff to be there?
Now all my Linux ISOs are gone, smh
I’m so sorry! It happened to two friends of mine and they were absolutely destroyed, stay strong!
This. I’d add that it’s good for us to watch diverse content too.
Peertube is great, I wish more people started uploading their content to it
Qubes is so good! Its compatibility is a bit limited, in my experience - some systems don’t run it and others would have issues, but if it works on your computer, it’s amazing.
I mean, remove AI from it and it’s not really a bad idea, imho. It’s just a different kind of “screen,” don’t overhype it.
Hmm yeah, that sounds like I was expecting to be able to do, I’ll give it another try later, maybe I can install ddwrt? I’ll look into it, thanks!
It’s pretty simple, I just need to connect a camera to the wifi, but the camera doesn’t have wifi. I have something a bunch of wifi access points running openwrt, then I want to basically add a wifi client that shares the network through a wire.
I’ve been failing at doing this for some weeks now.
I’ve been using openwrt for years so I thought this was going to be super straightforwad, but it seems like I can’t just bridge the wlan and the lan after the wlan is setup as a client.
Is there a guide of some sort for it?
You can have high bitrates, but non enhanced bitrates are just worthless no matter what
I don’t know how snaps work on the flavored ubuntus, but my gf was using ubuntu and it would install snaps for some apps even when using apt. It’s pretty annoying, if you ask me.
What that’s literally impossible, everyone knows you need an app to see tracking information /s
This is great!
You mentioned the name of the developer of systemd and it sounded to me like there’s a problem with that person in particular. Is that what you meant? I’m aware people have their feelings about systemd, but haven’t heard anything about the developer, am I missing something or just overthinking it?
Oh that makes sense then, interesting
I don’t understand the hype over zsh, tbh
Yes, I agree, but then, what would be an alternative?
Store it into a file, chmod it and run it? git clone the repo and run a script from it? I don’t think any of those would be different, apart from having more steps most people won’t even check anything.
I don’t know if we can fix this while allowing people to run stuff they don’t understand on their machines. Maybe community curated scripts or something, know the people who does the stuff and only run stuff made by people you already know.
I think we’re running too fast, we need to chill down, idk.