I’ve used Termius on my iPhone, it works pretty well. Unsure if they’ve got an iPad client but I would be surprised if they didn’t?
I’ve used Termius on my iPhone, it works pretty well. Unsure if they’ve got an iPad client but I would be surprised if they didn’t?
Huh, that’s an interesting chunk of glass for sure! Definitely doesn’t look like part of an insulator, so at least that’s one thing ruled out?
Glad I could help :) It made my life a whole lot easier when I found it so I wanted to share the love.
Hmm, interesting. What color is the glass? I am guessing it is clear?
Could potentially be a chunk of a glass insulator? Did you find it under or near telephone lines at all? A pic would be useful - I collect insulators so I might be able to tell you whether or not it’s part of one.
Pro tip, if you’ve not found it already - there’s a package for gimp called “photogimp” that makes it use the photoshop interface instead of- it makes it so much easier to use! Highly recommend.
How pedantic do we get to be? Like, I’d be fine with flying because I could just hover a millimeter from the ground instead of standing, I would think
I’d agree, but the fact that it’s specifically written that you’re now allowed to call homosexuality a mental illness, for example, seems to me a little more than just “I don’t want to moderate any more”
An HBA (host bus adapter) is a SAS controller (or rather, has a SAS controller chip on it). You mostly just want to make sure that your host (the server) has enough physical PCIe lanes to use the whole card, otherwise you’ll get bottlenecked there. You also want to check whether you’ve got 6G SAS or 12G SAS capability. If your drives only support 6 gig, for example, there’s zero point in buying a 12G SAS card, which is actually nice because 6G cards are a lot cheaper. You do want to make sure you actually need an HBA and not a RAID controller though - they’re easily confused. Not sure if I actually answered anything there but I write SAS firmware and use HBAs all the time, so feel free to ask me more and I’ll try to piece together a coherent answer.
That’s like… a month. Can it take an indefinite break instead?
Y’all are actually into specific teas! I just like anything fruity, lol. Usually decaf, because my body despises caffeine.
My friend frequents goodwill and one time, he came home super excited to show me the Husky mini socket set he bought. He excitedly told me “oh it was only $35!”, assuming he had gotten a great deal… that same socket set was also $35 brand new at Home Depot. It’s almost predatory because people just assume goodwill has better prices. That said… my friend should’ve been smart enough to double check that before buying it, lol
I’ve got duo; we had to have it at my uni for 2FA for our school emails. As far as I can tell it really isn’t very invasive. That said, I do think it tracks general location but I don’t believe it goes further than that.
My uni used Ubuntu in the CompE computer labs; unfortunately all other labs were windows. But the introduction to Linux was certainly nice!
Oh, of course. There are negatives to everything for sure. But I think as a whole it’s made life better in a lot of different ways.
Near-infinite access to pretty much any information you can possibly dream of, content, questions, etc, on a little device in your pocket
That group of 34 people moving to Russia have been referred to by some as the Russia 34, or R34 for short.
That’s incredible
I used to use mine for games but I don’t really play games any more. So for the last year or two my PC has been mostly dedicated to CAD, PCB design, coding, et cetera.