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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Indeed, I’ve been exclusively running Fedora KDE on both my desktop and my laptop for a little over a year. It took all of maybe an hour to get it installed on both, get steam and all of the applications I wanted installed, and be ready to start downloading games on both computers.

    I also have yet to find a game, aside from games with kernel level anticheat and a small handful of VR titles that isn’t perfectly playable. Some have needed a little bit of tweaking to run optimally, but if you’re a PC gamer that’s par for the course.

  • Probably Norway, Finland, or Sweden. At the risk of potentially offending all Scandinavians, in terms of the things I personally care about, all three countries can be considered as essentially the same. They all check pretty much all of my boxes. They all have ideal (meaning Arctic or subarctic) weather, they’re in a particularly beautiful part of the world, politically and socially they generally align well with my values, hiking and other outdoor activities are readily available, and while it’s not the primary language, English is broadly spoken to a high degree of fluency in all three countries. Meaning I wouldn’t have to struggle to communicate while trying to learn the local language.

    In terms of a degree, I don’t currently have one, but I generally enjoy the field I currently work in, so I’d probably go for either a general computer science degree or something more focused on system administration. Possibly with a minor involving some electrical engineering courses.

  • Based on standard US drinks, 1-2 drinks does absolutely nothing. 6-7 is enough for a decent buzz with no noticeable effects the following morning. At around 10 it starts to get uncomfortable and by 12 the room starts spinning. At basically any of those levels I’ll have no real hangover beyond a dry mouth at the extreme end, unless the drinks were overly sugary, like a sweet wine or sugary mixed drink. In which case I’ll have a mild headache as well.

    The only real exception to that is tequila (in any amount), or anything with agave in it. I am allergic to agave and it leaves me with a sore throat and a headache that makes suicide seem like a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Though in terms of intoxication it acts like any other alcohol of comparable strength.

    I also don’t drink often, 3-4 times a month at most. I have a fairly high baseline tolerance. That also extends to a lot of meds, particularly anesthetics and anxiety meds, which has been a problem in medical environments.

  • Because graphics are the most important part of a game?

    If the games are fun to play who cares if the graphics are bad? Scarlet and Violet were the best pokemon games since P:LA and that was the best since Gen 5.

    Based on the limited information we’ve gotten about ZA there’s no reason as of yet to doubt that it won’t be comparable to P:LA and S&V in terms of enjoyability.

    Complaining about the graphics of pokemon games or the bugginess of pokemon games is like complaining about CoD being an FPS or Assassin’s Creed having traversable terrain or Souls-likes being hard. At this point it’s a staple of the franchise with 40 games between the mainline games and major spinoffs establishing a trend of the games being thoroughly buggy messes and/or having shit graphics. There is absolutely no reason to expect any of that to change and constantly hearing complaints about it with every new game is getting fucking old.

  • That makes more sense. So, personal conflict rather than national conflict?

    In my present state of moderate intoxication, I’d say something similar to my above point, but with the opposite statement regarding fairness. If you are unable to resolve your differences via civil discussion, then settle it with a duel with strict rules as follows.

    The rules of which should be:

    1. the field should be cleared of bystanders, excepting an impartial referee

    2. The only weapons permitted should be flintlock, smooth bore pistols

    3. Shooting should occur at high noon (or whatever time would give both parties equal visual impairment due to the sun)

    4. Parties should stand twenty paces apart

    5. Parties should fire one round each and then move an additional ten paces apart

    6. Repeat step 4 until at least one party is dead

  • In love, no absolutely not. That sounds like a justification for rape, spousal abuse, stalking, harassment, cheating, and other kinds of shitty behavior where it is neither expected nor wanted.

    In war, yes. I think that war is one of the most horrific things one nation can perpetrate on another and should be exactly that… If your goal, as a nation, is anything less than the genocide of your target nation’s people, the salting of their land, and the complete eradication of their culture, then your issues can and should be solved diplomatically.

    And if that is your goal, fuckin’ do it.

  • Might be a bit late on this, but ProxMox doesn’t really handle assigning threads to the e/p cores. That’s handled by the kernel and as long you’re running kernel version 6.1 or greater you should be good on that front.

    If you really need to, you can also pin specific VMs to specific cores. So that if you’ve got something that always needs the performance it can always run on the p-cores and things that aren’t as demanding can always run on e-cores.

    That said, especially if you’re over provisioning, it’s probably better to let the scheduler in the kernel handle thread assignments.

  • If I’m reading your example right, I don’t think that would satisfy three either. Three copies of the data on the same filesystem or even the same system doesn’t satisfy the “three backups” rule. Because the only thing you’re really protecting against is maybe user error. I.e. accidental deletion or modification. You’re not protecting against filesystem corruption or system failure.

    For a (little bit hyperbolic) example, if you put the system that has your live data on it through a wood chipper, could you use one of the other copies to recover your critical data? If yes, it counts. If no, it doesn’t.

    Snapshots have the same issue, because at the root a snapshot is just an additional copy of the data. There’s additional automation, deduplication, and other features baked into the snapshot process but it’s basically just a fancy copy function.

    Edit: all of the above is also why the saying “RAID is not a backup” holds true.

  • I don’t think this meets the definition of 3-2-1. Which isn’t a problem if it meets your requirements. Hell, I do something similar for my stuff. I have my primary NAS backed up to a secondary NAS. Both have BTRFS snapshots enabled, but the secondary has a longer retention period for snapshots. (One month vs one week). Then I have my secondary NAS mirrored to a NAS at my friends house for an offsite backup.

    This is more of a 4-1-1 format.

    But 3-2-1 is supposed to be:

    • Three total copies of the data. Snapshots don’t count here, but the live data does.

    • On two different types of media. I.e. one backup on HDD and another on optical media or tape.

    • With at least one backup stored off site.

  • I can’t speak to AI performance, but given you’re stated goal of lower idle power consumption, I’d go with the 14900K, not the KS as you have listed.

    Reason being the $250 price difference between the two, when the KS is just a slightly higher binning of the K with an additional 200MHz on the boost clocks. With that higher boost being something you’re unlikely to practically see without a substantial and robust cooling system, I don’t think it’s worth the extra money.

    The reason I’d go with the K over the 10940X is the lower limit on it’s power consumption. The E cores are very efficient and can down clock substantially meaning it idles at really low power. The 10940X doesn’t have that benefit.

    Beyond that, I’d say look at IPC, per thread, per max sustainable clock of each core, to get a general out look on performance.

    Note: all of the above assumes we’re working within your listed options. My actual recommendation would be an AMD 7800x3d or 9800x3d.

  • For most things if I’m gonna be waiting more than a few weeks, I’ll let myself kind of forget about it and then enjoy it whenever it happens.

    That said, I didn’t do that for The Wheel of Time TV show. I learned about it relatively late; a few months before release, and then spent a lot of time reading up on it, looking into the cast, watching trailers, interacting with WoT communities online, and just generally getting kind of hyped. Most people seemed pretty positive about it. It was looking like it might actually be a good adaptation of one of my favorite book series.

    Then it came out and it was the single most disappointing adaptation I’ve seen since Eragon.