Can’t believe this game still gets updates and DLCs, how many years has it been?
Can’t believe this game still gets updates and DLCs, how many years has it been?
I’m not even Linux user and can join that crowd.
Not an option with this TV. And it was all sides. It was easily fixable on Windows, I somehow figured it out on Raspberry PI OS and Kodi. But the Linux NVIDIA configuration had like one slider and I have no idea what is that even suppose to do. Shows how much they care.
Last time I installed Kubuntu I was stopped by an seemingly undealable-with overscan issue, like 20% of the view was outside the screen and NVIDIA control panel sucked. So I had to go back to Windows after like half a week of googling and no dice, it was unacceptable. Thoughts?
I think it might become big as this one is absolutely going places play-wise.
The ending squeezed a chuckle out of me, let’s see if it still works in massive resolution.
Eughm, QUARK
Put on a blue cap, blue nautical shirt; but, and I can’t stress this enough, NO PANTS.
Temple OS - fistfuls of caffeine pills.
You would think a video development company is going to need electricity.
Well, since they did not donate anything they couldn’t get a quote from anybody they donated to, that would be legitimate.
I don’t know what was their endgame? It’s been going on since 2014, how could they not think this would have come out eventually.
“Ohoho Kerrigan got herself in a big pickle, could you help her collect all these fruit?”
That one time hardcover Anatomy of Melancholy fell on my head and removed 10 IQ points so I couldn’t follow it.
I have Sandisk Clip Sport for like 10 years of pretty much every day use. If it would break it’d be like losing a friend. Phones, headphones came and went but this thing stays the same.
Also Raspberry PI with a DAC and MOODE at home.
Piotr Grudziński of Riverside. It’s clear to me their discography went completely different way than it could have after he died being only 41.
SoundWire — I can listen to game sound and videos or something at the same time.
RVNC — I rarely use it but it works so suprisingly good.
Pano Scrobbler — Way better than any official last.fm browser.
Neurosis’ Scott Kelly being domestic abuser was the bad one for me.
Once, I wanted to annihilate all bedbugs in the world with a snap of a finger (I would even learn how to snap for this very purpose), just disappear them forever at my will. A single use power, nothing more than that, and I don’t care what that suppose to do to the environment.
For some reason.
Still do not understand how this wasn’t hostile takeover.