Make them do the first lap on foot.
Make them do the first lap on foot.
Also on gog.
I’m finding it a bit underwhelming to be honest. It was so hyped, but it just feels like Dark Souls 4. I don’t find the open world really adds a lot apart from a lot of empty space filled with crafting components. The worlds in souls and sekiro were so carefully crafted and put together and I feel like the open world ruins that a bit. I guess after Sekiro did something similar but significantly different, I was expecting Elden Ring to be a bit more innovative. If I hadn’t already played the hell out of the three Dark Souls games I might enjoy Elden more. I’ll probably still beat it though and might change my opinion by the end - I certainly hated Sekiro and Dark Souls at times before I came to love them.
Don’t Starve probably isn’t the first thing you’d think of but it does fit quite well.
No, it’s about Warhammer fantasy, also Games Workshop, but different universe. Creative Assembly - the Total War guys - have never made a 40k game.
This is no joke. I had a cheap usb-c cable catch fire when plugged into my laptop.